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Subject: Beamline networking
From: [email protected] (David Wallis)
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 19:03:08 -0600
Let me update a couple things about networks.

First, thanks for the input on your needs/expectations at the Beamline
Controls Committee Meeting yesterday. Based on the information I got
from the meeting, I'm exploring ways to provide s seamless network
between LOM/pentagons and beamlines (i.e., no beamline/LOM traffic
over the backbone). I think it's doable with little change to what I
presented yesterday. I'll provide more details after I check out a few
technical questions.

Second, I'd be happy to meet with any of the CATs who'd like to talk
about networking in more detail, or would like some help laying out
their beamline network. Anyone who's interested can contact me by

Dave Wallis

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