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Subject: Epics C++ Problems
From: [email protected] (Olaf Hensler)
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 1995 13:35:07 +0100
Hello Together

I have the following problem with the EPICS cadef.h file:

This .h file defines the following structure

	struct channel_in_use{
		ELLNODE			node;	/* list ptrs			*/
		short			type;	/* database field type 		*/
	#define TYPENOTCONN	(-1)		/* the type when disconnected	*/
		unsigned short		count;	/* array element count 		*/
		  unsigned 		sid;	/* server id			*/
		  struct db_addr	*paddr;	/* database address		*/
		}			id;
		void			*puser;	/* user available area		*/
		enum channel_state	state;	/* connected/ disconnected etc	*/
		caar			ar;	/* access rights		*/
		 *	The following fields may change or even vanish in the future
		caCh			*pConnFunc;
		caArh			*pAccessRightsFunc;
		ELLLIST			eventq;
		unsigned 		cid;	/* client id */
		unsigned		retry;	/* search retry number */
		void			*piiu;	/* private ioc in use block */
	#ifdef vxWorks
		void			*ppn;  /* ptr to optional put notify blk */
	#endif /* vxWorks */
		 * channel name stored directly after this structure in a 
		 * null terminated string.
	typedef	struct channel_in_use	*chid;

and does a typedef with the name chid for this structure.
Later this name is used in two structures, for example in :

	struct	event_handler_args{
		void	*usr;	/* User argument supplied when event added 	*/
--->		chid	chid;	/* Channel id					*/
		long	type;	/* the type of the value returned (long aligned)*/
		long	count;	/* the element count of the item returned	*/
		void 	*dbr;	/* Pointer to the value returned		*/
		int	status;	/* CA Status of the op from server - CA V4.1	*/

This gives this warning with the SUN compiler:

"./epics.3.12.1/base/include/cadef.h", line 218: Warning (Anachronism): Redefining chid after use in event_handler_args.
"./epics.3.12.1/base/include/cadef.h", line 218: Note: Type "CC -migration" for more on anachronisms.
"./epics.3.12.1/base/include/cadef.h", line 257: Warning (Anachronism): Redefining chid after use in exception_handler_args.

and even worse it is a syntax error! with GNU g++ compiler

It compiles, when the name is changed. e.g. chid chidname

Can somebody help me ?!

 ***  **** ** *   *    Olaf Hensler        
 *  * *   *    * *     DESY, -MVP-        [email protected]
 *  * ***  **   *      Notkestrasse 85    Tel.: +49 40 8998 3372
 *  * *      *  *      22603 Hamburg      FAX : +49 40 8998 4448
 ***  **** **   *      Germany

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