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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: sharing of fieldbus activities ( questionaire)
From: Matthias Clausen DESY -MKV2/KRYK- <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 13:50:08 EDT
Sorry - if you receive this several times!

Please forward to other interested colleagues!

Sharing of field bus activities: questionaire

Dear colleagues,

initiated by Berend Kuiper from CERN we fortunally are now discussing sharing
of software development. We have even reached a point where the initial version
of a (common) control device library has a realistic chance to be accepted by a
lot of labs.

The above success triggered me to make a proposal during the last EPCS board
meeting to start a similar activity for fieldbus developments.

It is not intended to start the development of another fieldbus. Also the
participation in the norming bodies is not the main purpose - even though it
could be a positive side affect.

The intention is to coordinate the work on existing field busses, to distribute
informations about new field busses and their new features and mainly to 
share hardware and software developments.

Coming back to the EPCS board meeting:
The other board members asked me to find out whether there would be any
interest in this subject. If so - it would be proposed to form an EPCS working
group on field busses.

I am therefore forwarding this question to you: (FB = field bus)

	- are you using FB's in your environment?
	- which FB do you use (please note all of them)
	- what are the special features of this bus you like best
	- where are the limitations
	- do you develop software for these FB
	- do you develop hardware for these FB
	- how many nodes are hooked up to this FB
	- how many I-O points (in your lab/or group)
	- if you would start new from scratch
	   - which FB would you choose
	   - why
	- do you distinguish between FB for customized IO and PLCs
	   - how
	- would you be willing to make your developments available to others
	- would you agree to publish your developments via a mailing-list/WWW
	  (if you have a list of developments please attach)
	- are you interested in developments from other labs
	- would you be willing to coordinate your developments with others
	- do you think a working group on FB would be useful
	   - should this be an EPCS working group 
	   - would you join this group
	- how should information be exchanged
 	  - mailing list
	    ( in case a mailing list will be launched: enter your mail 
	      address here:)
 	  - WWW
	  - on personal basis

Many thanks for your time you spend on filling this out. The results will be
presented during the ICALEPS '95

Therefore - >please answer as soon as possible!!!

			Regards Matthias Clausen

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	Matthias Clausen		Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron
	Gruppe: MKV2/KRYK		       DESY/Hamburg, Germany

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