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Subject: Re: application error codes
From: [email protected] (Jeff Hill)
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 95 09:30:08 MDT

> This really isn't a great solution as a few log messages may get lost in the
> process, but it does avoid the problem of having iocLogServer wedge when the
> log file grows beyond a certain size (> !MB, I think?).  And it makes it a
> bit easier to review the log files for clues as to what went wrong when if
> bad things happen.

The size of the log file is configurable. Are you running out of disk 
space? The log server does not "wedge" here. Once the file grows
to its maximum size then the log wraps to the beginning of the file.

We have recently heard that KECK and DAHRT are having problems with
a hung log server. Has anyone else had this experience (we have
so far been unable to reproduce the problem here).


Jeffrey O. Hill			Internet	[email protected]
LANL MS H820			Voice		505 665 1831
Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA 	FAX		505 665 5107

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