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Subject: error handling
From: [email protected] (Jeff Hill)
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 95 10:21:52 MDT
Comments on the status code proposal:

Perhaps "errSubsysRegister()" should have two arguments:
1) a symbolic name for the subsystem (instead of a pointer 
	to the error code table) and
2) the sub system identification code (an unsigned integer)

We could use naming conventions and the sub system symbolic name
to find the error text table in the symbol table. I suspect that 
this approach would be more likely to detect conflicts where two 
sub systems are using the same sub system code. Also using a
symbolic name instead of a pointer will be less constraining on our 
future implementation options.

Perhaps we should start using an architecture independent type
to hold status instead of the C type "long". On some architectures
long is bigger than the natural data path between the processor 
and memory. An architecture independent type will guarantee that
the status is held in a variable that is large enough but not 
so large as to slow things down.

Is a group code appropriate? I am worried that there may be more than 64
distinct sites and there may be more than 64 subsystems at a site. I am 
less worried that there will be more than 4096 sub systems. Of course 
a global sub system code will require that one site is responsible for
allocating sub system codes (and distributing a file that converts 
a sub system code into a group name string).


Jeffrey O. Hill			Internet	[email protected]
LANL MS H820			Voice		505 665 1831
Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA 	FAX		505 665 5107

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