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From: [email protected] (Edmond Desmond)
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 12:27:45 -0500
Subject: Tornado

Some recent email on the subject of Tornoda indicates that both CEBAF
and LBL will upgrade to Tornado.  It was also indicated that the intent
is not to use the C++ classes which would make portability and future
EPICS development dependent on purchasing these classes.  Steve Lewis
indicated in his notes on Tornado that the Wind Foundation Classes,
which include iostream, Rogue Wave's tools.h++, Booch classes and
various wrapper classes are unbundled products. Is there a policy that
none of these classes would be required for future EPICS enhancements?
I am unclear as to the role of the Tornado bundled C++ global
constructors/desctructors.  Are these used by the Tornado agent only?

The wind river press release on Tornado states that it is backward 
compatible with VxWorks 5.1.1 and 5.2.  Is there any indication that
EPICS would be require a newer version of VxWorks?

ed desmond

email: [email protected]
phone: (516)282-4768

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