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Subject: devAaiCamac.c and devAaoCamac.c (RE:)
From: Johnny Tang <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 95 12:19:13 EST
This mail is made of the recycled electrons
Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85]

The code will be modified to:

     if (paao->ftvl == 0 || paao->ftvl>DBF_ENUM ){
         paao->bptr = (char *)calloc(paao->nelm,MAX_STRING_SIZE);
     else {
          paao->bptr = (char *)calloc(paao->nelm,sizeofTypes[paao->ftvl]);

Thanks for the comments.

Johnny Tang

> Hi,
>   in devAaiCamac.c and devAaoCamac.c files, calloc function is used to
> allocate memory space for an array by the following code.
>     if (paao->ftvl == 0)
>         paao->bptr = (char *)calloc(paao->nelm,MAX_STRING_SIZE);
>     paao->bptr = (char *)calloc(paao->nelm,sizeofTypes[paao->ftvl]);
>     return(0);
> In the case of paao->ftvl==0, the first allocated block is just replaced by
> new block in the following sentence. 
> I think the code ubove should read,
>     if (paao->ftvl == 0){
>         paao->bptr = (char *)calloc(paao->nelm,MAX_STRING_SIZE);
>     }
>     else {
>          paao->bptr = (char *)calloc(paao->nelm,sizeofTypes[paao->ftvl]);
>     }
>     return(0);
> Any comments?
> Noboru Yamamoto
> KEK, KEKB accelerator control group.

Johnny Tang     Voice: (804)249-7239  E-Mail: [email protected]
Continous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
12000 Jefferson Avernue, MS 85A
Newport News, Va 23606

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