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Subject: Re: Access Security question
From: [email protected] (Marty Kraimer)
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 1995 09:54:36 -0600
> From [email protected] Tue Dec 19 09:40 CST 1995
> Date: Tue, 19 Dec 1995 15:39:02 +0000 (GMT)
> From: Philip Taylor <[email protected]>
> X-Sender: pbt@orc
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Access Security question
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Length: 1201
> Marty,
>      I have been playing with EPICS Access Security today,
> checking if the initial ideas we have about database access
> for telescope operations are feasible.
> I wonder if you could confirm something that rather surprised 
> me? An idea was that we would restrict write access to 'sensitive'
> records to a certain group of users (engineers) *wherever* they
> were located. As long as they know the password to log in to the
> right account on the correct local machine at the telescope then 
> they could go ahead. Typically this would be the case where
> the engineer is on call at night at the sea-level base with
> the telescope on the mountain-top, accessible via telnet/rlogin.
> But even if they are physically at the telescope they would
> usually use an X-terminal to work rather than logging in at
> a machine's console.
> However it appears that if you log in remotely via telnet
> or rlogin then the hostid's appears to be "REMOTE", even though
> you know the password to get into the right local machine. 
> So is the host id only useful for local logins, i.e. actually
> sitting at that machine? We very rarely work like that here,
> almost everything is via remote logins on X-terminals. etc.
> Thanks,
> Philip

At the present time and I forever REMOTE is not honored.
Jeff had a real problem finding a platform independent method of determining
if a user has performed a remote logon to a machine. At the last EPICS
meeting the consensus was that we should just allow everyone logged
on to a machine, remote or local, to have the same host name.
It sounds like this is just what you want!!

The documentation has not been updated.

I am sending this reply to epics_applications so all EPICS users can see this

Marty Kraimer

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