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Subject: Unions of ASSIGNed arrays in state notation?
From: Ron Chestnut <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 17:40:06 -0700 (PDT)
I'm using lots of waveforms to map to arrays for a PEP-II application 
here at SLAC. There are two basic modes I have to deal with, each 
using different size arrays and waveforms. To simplify code in 
subroutines called by the state program, I'd like to do the 

  long Array_1[100];
    long Array_2[77]; long Pad [23]
  } _S
} _U;


Assign _U.Array_1 to "wf1";

Assign _U._S.Array_2 to "wf2";

Were this possible, I could have all the mode dependent stuff around 
the PVPUTs, instead of scattered about.

Before I begin experimenting, can a state notation guru please give 
his nickel's worth?

/Ron Chestnut

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