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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: EuroPICS meeting @ CERN
From: Matthias Clausen DESY -MKV2/KRYK- <[email protected]>
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 11:51:51 +0200 (MET-DST)
Dear all,

the EPICS workshop at CERN will take place next week.
We have 30 -non CERN- participants registered!

The agenda is quite busy but -as always on our workshops- we are open to 
make changes. The agenda is meant to be our giudeline in order to plan for 
the duration of the talks. All the talks have been squeezed to be able to 
gather as much information as possible in the two days. 

If you are missing something we'll still find a slot to discuss it.

General items:

Wednesday is dedicated to more general training in the morning and 
installation issues in the evening.
This day we'll also have the CERN tour.

Thursday/ Friday is the workshop.
The visit to the CERN control room(s) still needs confirmation.
Looking at the agenda it might be better to plan for friday.
(Fabien: ok?)

The meeting will take place in the following rooms:

Wednesday	building 6 room 2024 
Thirsday	building 6 room 2004
Friday		building 6 room 2024
(please use the WEB to find out where this building is located)
 --> http://www.cern.ch/map/building?bno=6

Looking forward to see you all at CERN.


--------------------------- AGENDA ------------------------------------------
	Overview		Bob Dalesio
	Channel Access		Gabor Csuka
	Database		Bob Dalesio (Marty Kraimer for next release)
10:30	break

11:00	Sequencer		Bob Dalesio
	Operator Interfaces	Bob Dalesio
	Archiving		Matthias Clausen

12:30	lunch

EPICS installation:
14:00	summary of morning trainings - last questions

	Experience starting with EPICS		Bill Brown (LBL)
	Experience with CVS			Gabor Csuka
	New Database Issues (discussion)	Moderator: G. Csuka
	Open discussion..........
(15:00  break during the above session)

16:30	Visit to OPAL


Thursday Morning
9:00	Welcome from CERN		Fabien Perriollat
	Current Status of evaluation 
Experience using EPICS
Project List:	(5-10 minutes each)
9:10	BESSY II		Ralph Lange
	PTB			Jens Eden ?? (R. Lange)
	DESY			Matthias Clausen
	BaBar			Carl Lionberger
	CEBAF			Chip Watson
	APS			Marty Kraimer
	Telsla Inj		Jean-Francois Gournay
	RGO			Andrew Johnson
	Gemini			Philip Taylor
	CFHT			Peregrine McGehee
	LBNL			Bill Brown
	MPA-Garching		Hans-Christoph Holstenberg
	IAC			Marti Pi i Puig 
	IASA			Stathis Stiliaris
	MIT Bates		Sibley

EPICS interest group
	LSB			Josep Perlas
	TH-Darmstadt		Simone Richter

	Any other projects that will be represented.......

10:30	------------------------ break ---------------

Hardware Support -
10:45	IRM - 			Matthias Claussen
	 and Pentium perspective 
11:00	Pentium - 		Bob Dalesio
11:15	Sparc-5 - 		Peregrine McGhee
11:30	Power PC		Chip Watson

	Comment - VME,VXI,GPIB,Bitbus,CAMAC,Profibus,Allen-Bradley,Modbus+
11:45	CANbus - 		Andrew Johnson
12:00	CANbus - 		Gabor Csuka
12:15	CANbus - 		Ralph Lange
12:30	Why are there three drivers -and which should I use?

12:45	Profibus -		Matthias Clausen

	------------------------ break ---------------

Thursday Afternoon
New Communication Developments
- interfaces to non-EPICS based "legacy" control systems
14:00	portable CA server	Gabor Csuka
14:15	CA gateway		Marty Kraimer
14:30	cdev			Chip Watson
15:00	channel access issues	Bob Dalesio
15:15	coffee

New Database Developments
15:45	ASCII database issues	Marty Kraimer
16:00	ORACLE-dct		Matthias Clausen
16:15	Database devel. @BESSY	Thomas Birke
16:30	Online add/delete	Marty Kraimer
16:45	Bumpless Reboot		Carl Lionberger

Hardware Configuration Issues ( discussion)
17:00	future of module_types.h	Marty Kraimer

dinner organized by CERN -> please register

Friday Morning
OPI's - where to go, what to choose
9:00	(edd/dm,medm,IDL,PV-WAve,SL-GMS,Dataview,Labview,Mathmatica,
9:15	Striptool		Chip Watson
9:25	Correlation Plots	Chip Watson
9:45	BESSY visualization	Thomas Birke
10:00	NT-based		Bob Dalesio
10:15	Back up and restore	Ralph Lange

10:30	coffee

	------------------------ break ---------------

Discussion on: OPI's  and Back up and restore 

11:00	DESY - 			Matthias Clausen
11:15	CEBAF Plan - 		Chip Watson
11:45	BESSY ideas -		Thomas Birke
12:00	discussion
12:15	white spot

Friday Afternoon
New Developments for Java and WWW
14:00	Java - new Chances	Chip Watson
14:20	WWW Operator Tool(s)	Matthias Clausen
14:30	WWW for Diagnostics	Matthias Clausen
14:40	coffee

What kind of support is needed within Europe? (Chair: Andrew Johnson?)
15:00	Distribution of software,
	docs and web-pages
	Installation support
	management and visibility of current developments
	distribution and mail list
	mirror site
	What kind of special interest do we have?
		drive some developpement?
		GUI pakage integration?

Special requirements for installations in:
15:30	HEP-experiments			Helfried
	Astronomy - 			Philip Taylor
	Light Sources - 		N.N.

Next meeting:
16:00	where
	->how to organize

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