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Subject: Problems with "dct313"
From: Nick Patavalis <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 19:54:19 +0200 (EET)

I recently built dct313 (the most recent release) and noticed the
following two problems:


Problem #1:

I use dct313 to create a simple database containing just a couple of
ai records. On the left side of the main dct313 window 
(left-pane) I see the names of the records in the database. 
On the right side of the main dct313 window
(right-pane) I see the fields/values for one of the database records.
By clicking on the name of a record (in the
left-pane), the right-pane is re-drawn in order to display the 
fields/values for this record. 
So far so good.

The problem is that, when I click on a record-name (in the left-pane) and
then QUICKLY (before the fields of this record are drawn on the
screen) click on another record, I get the following message:

was deleted before its visibility changed

The stack-trace reveals that the error occurs while executing the

        "tkwait visibility $w.item[expr $i - 1]"

The source code around this command goes like this:

---- Source code from: dct.tcl ------------------
  # tkwait needed for proper timing of widget display ... without it code fails
       if {"$i" > "0"} {  tkwait visibility $w.item[expr $i - 1] }
       APSScrollAdjust .userFrame.fieldDialog.userFrame.scrolledFieldList -numVisible 11 
       set status [DCTdbFirstFielddes]
---- End of source code. ------------------------

I noticed that if I rewrite the command

       if {"$i" > "0"} {  tkwait visibility $w.item[expr $i - 1] }

       if {"$i" > "0"} {catch {tkwait visibility $w.item[expr $i - 1] }}

everything seems to work fine.

Any comments?


Problem #2: (This looks more like "lack of feature", than a bug)

It seems to me that there is no way to make the INP field of an "ai" record 
point to another record.

I can see the INP field in the right-pane, and next to it there is a
text-entry-box and a button labeled "Form". But there is no 
"To PV"/"To Const." button.

Is this supposed to happen?



Nick Patavalis
([email protected])
Inst. for Accelerating Systems and Apps.
Athens Jan 28, 1997.

PS. I use tcl v7.5 and tk v4.1.

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