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Subject: Big Databases -> Slow Boot
From: [email protected] (Marty Kraimer)
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 10:26:52 -0500

About three weeks ago one of our application developers was attempting
to add a large number of records to an IOC. The IOC already had about 3100
records. The new records were being added via 40 dbLoadRecord commands
that each loaded the same template of 85 records. Thus 3400 new records
were being added for a total of about 6500 records. It took a REALLY long
time to boot. (I think I remember about 25 minutes).


It was observed that the new dbLoadRecord commands took longer and longer
to execute. The first took about 2 seconds and the last was up to about
14 seconds. iocInit also took a long time to complete.
The ioc was not using NFS, thus each dbLoadRecord takes about 1.5 seconds
to open it's file. Thus not using NFS explains the 2 seconds but NOT the 14

Running memShow showed that the memory free list was very long, i.e.
many thousands of elements. Running "memShow 1" showed that most of the free
list entries were very short, in fact most were 16 bytes, which appears
to be the minimum vxWorks allocates.


We (Jim Kowalkowski and I) realized that the lex/yacc routines dbLoadDatabase,
dbLoadRecords, and dbLoadTemplates frequently call malloc for storage that
is soon freed. However other storage is allocated and not freed between the
malloc and free. Thus the long free lists could be caused by the algorithms
used by malloc and free. The following routine demonstrates that this
is the case. Just run it for ntimes=100 on a freshly booted ioc (no epics)
and you will see that the free list is starting to grow.

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int testmem(int ntimes)
    void *a;
    void *b;
    void *c;
    int i;

    for(i=0; i<ntimes; i++) {
	b = malloc(20);
        a = malloc(80);
        c = malloc(200);


Jim and I wrote a small set of routines:


These routines can be used by code that malloc and then free storage.
The following code was changed to use the new set of routines:


1) While making these changes dbLoadRecords and dbLoadTemplates were
   also changed to use macLib.
2) It was not possible to remove all malloc/free combinations.


Because we are in operation, I could not easily test the ioc described above.
Instead the tests were made (on my test stand) on another application that
also booted slowly.
This application used both dbLoadRecords and dbLoadTemplates so it was
a good test case. The application has 2940 records.

This application was taking just more than 15 minutes to boot. It
was,however, using ftp. Thus the first change was to make it use NFS.
Thus reduced the boot time to 5.2 minutes. Note that this is expected because
the application  makes extensive use of dbLoadTemplates, which causes
many file opens.

The results using NFS are:

Before iocInit

value = 74 = 0x4a = 'J'
 status   bytes    blocks   avg block  max block
 ------ --------- -------- ---------- ----------
   free  13045420     2211       5900   7156576
  alloc   3200732    27444        116        -
  alloc  18644004    99020        188        -
value = 0 = 0x0
# ..... Some messages
value = 311 = 0x137
 status   bytes    blocks   avg block  max block
 ------ --------- -------- ---------- ----------
   free  11682032     3767       3101   7156576
  alloc   4564120    50006         91        -
  alloc  20112144   124456        161        -
value = 0 = 0x0

Note the large number of free blocks. Also note that iocInit took 237 seconds.

This application has many records which use Allen Bradley DCM support
(not in base). The DCM init_record routines were all calling malloc and
free. In addition to the changes to epics base, I also changed the DCM support
so that it did not call malloc/free unless absolutely necessary.

The new results are:

value = 63 = 0x3f = '?'
 status   bytes    blocks   avg block  max block
 ------ --------- -------- ---------- ----------
   free  13063388      403      32415   7156576
  alloc   3182764    27500        115        -
  alloc  18388300    36293        506        -
value = 0 = 0x0

# ..... Some messages
value = 73 = 0x49 = 'I'
 status   bytes    blocks   avg block  max block
 ------ --------- -------- ---------- ----------
   free  11699392       10    1169939   7156576
  alloc   4546760    50064         90        -
  alloc  19764408    58911        335        -

Note that iocInit now only takes 10 seconds.
Also the final number of free blocks is onlt 10.

Before iocInit the number of free blocks is 403.
This is still large but this application uses many dbLoadTemplate
commands each of which create many sets of records. Thus it is a worst
case kind of test. Note also that iocInit used up almost all of the
free list entries.

Although I have not had a chance to make tests, my guess is that
the malloc/free problem causes the boot time to increase far more rapidly
than linearly with the number of records.

These changes will be in the next 3.13 release.

Marty Kraimer

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