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Subject: Re: EPICS Channel Access in Python.
From: Nick Patavalis <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 01:06:02 +0300 (EET DST)

On  4 Jun, Noboru Yamamoto wrote:
>  Enclosed is a sample python program which displays windows on X-terminal.
> Each window has a slider and a label which are both connected to EPICS channel.
>  I also enclosed ca.py which implements EPICS channel class in python. ca.py
> uses _ca module which are written in C. Python can retuns any value, includig
> list called tuple in Python, as a return value of get().
> Development status is quite preliminary but(or because of it) I appriciate
> your comments.

Where can one find the C-module _ca??



Nick Patavalis               Snail-mail:
([email protected])         Thironos 11, 
University of Athens,            161 21 Athens,
Computer Science Dept.           Hellas.

EPICS Channel Access in Python. Noboru Yamamoto

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