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Subject: European Documentation Mirror
From: Ralph Lange <[email protected]>
To: [email protected] (EPICS Tech-Talk)
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 19:26:19 +0200 (METDST)
BESSY's web site now mirrors (most of) the EPICS documentation located at
the APS and LANL web sites. This includes:

+ All documents mentioned in APS's "EPICS Documentation" page
+ Hypertext versions of the SNL and Record Reference Manual from LANL

Not included are:

- Software distribution
- SDDS and other tools documentation
- Listserver Archives stuff

The mirror is updated daily at 6am European time, i.e. 11pm/10pm US time,
which I assume to be after working hours ;-)

Mirroring is done by a cron job using GNU's wget tool. (Thanks to Bill
McDowell @ APS for his support.) I attach the cron-started script in case
someone wants to fill up empty disk space (mirror needs ~ 45MB).

      __  Ralph Lange                         Email:       [email protected] 
     /\ \                                     WWW: http://www.bessy.de/~lange
    /  \ \  BESSY II                          
   / /\ \ \  Berliner Elektronenspeicherring- Snail:                 BESSY II
  / / /\ \ \  Gesellschaft fuer Synchrotron-               Rudower Chaussee 5
 / / /__\_\ \  strahlung m.b.H.                       D-12489 Berlin, Germany
/ / /________\                                Phone:         +49 30 6392-4862
\/___________/ Control System Group           Fax:                ...   -4859
#         Perl? What Perl?
#                                                    -*-Mode: shell-script;-*-
# fetch_epics_doc
# Script to fetch mirrored Web pages using GNU wget
# Author: Ralph Lange      Date: 26 Aug 1997
# To make the relative links work, one has to set up links in the base directory of the
# mirror web server like this:
# aot8 -> <whereever_you_keep_the_mirrors>/www.atdiv.lanl.gov/aot8/
# asd ->  <whereever_you_keep_the_mirrors>/www.aps.anl.gov/asd/

# <whereever_you_keep_the_mirrors>

# paths to some tools (cron sets just a minimal environment)

datecode=`date +%y-%m-%d`

cd $mirrors
umask 022

# Add old logfiles to log archive

$gunzip $log_arch.tar.gz
$tar -rf $log_arch.tar log_* && rm -f log_*
$gzip $log_arch.tar

# From APS's EPICS server:
# All Documentation pages

$wget -m -k -o log_APS.$datecode -I /asd/controls/epics/images,/asd/controls/epics/EpicsDocumentation http://www.aps.anl.gov/asd/controls/epics/EpicsDocumentation

# From LANL's EPICS server:
# Record reference manual and SNL manual

$wget -np -m -k -o log_LANL.$datecode http://www.atdiv.lanl.gov/aot8/epics/dbase/recref/rcrf-1.html http://www.atdiv.lanl.gov/aot8/epics/sequencer/snl.html

# Patch APS pages to point to local copy of LANL stuff

for file in `find . -name "*.html" | xargs grep -l "www\.atdiv\.lanl\.gov"`
    rm -f $file.ORI
    mv $file $file.ORI
    sed -e 's|http://www.atdiv.lanl.gov/aot8/epics/dbase/recref/|/aot8/epics/dbase/recref/|g' \
        -e 's|http://www.atdiv.lanl.gov/aot8/epics/sequencer/|/aot8/epics/sequencer/|g' \
	< $file.ORI > $file
    touch -r $file.ORI $file

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