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Subject: RE: CA Client Platforms.
From: Jeff Hill <[email protected]>
To: "'J. Frederick Bartlett ([email protected])'" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 16:38:51 -0700
On Tuesday, December 09, 1997 1:14 PM, J. Frederick Bartlett ([email protected]) [SMTP:[email protected]] wrote:
> >> Is there a list somewhere of the platforms on which CA have been implemented?
> >> I've spent some time bouncing around in the EPICS web sites but have come up
> >> empty.
> > 
> > The client lib has been ported to the common varieties of UNIX, WIN32 (95 & NT), VMS, 
> > vxWorks and perhaps also OS/2 and the MAC OS. 
> > 
> > The C++ server library now runs on SunOS, Solaris, and WIN32 (excepting 
> > a small problem with visual C++ 5.0). VMS and HPUX are in the works.
> > Hope to solve these problems before 3.13 is finalized.
> > 
> > Jeff
>   I note that there is no mention of IRIX (SGI). Does this mean that
> the EPICS collaboration will not attempt to support IRIX as a host
> platform?
> 							Fritz Bartlett
> 							Fermilab

My understanding is that the client library already runs under SGI UNIX.
I don't know if anyone has attempted to compile the C++ server library under


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