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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: SNC crashes
From: Benjamin Franksen <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Techtalk <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 22:38:48 +0100
Hello SNC-Experts,

I have a problem with the State Notation Compiler. The snc crashes with
a 'Bus error (core dumped)' message whenever I try to compile my SNL
program of which I attached a 'maximally downsized' version (test.st).
The funny point is, that one can eliminate virtually any declaration
from it and the SNL compiler will translate it without any error. I
think the error has to do with some overflowing internal array but I
wouldn't bet on it...

The Notorious Neb Nesknarf
Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-                phone: +49 30 6392-4865
Gesellschaft fuer Synchrotronstrahlung            fax: +49 30 6392-4859
Rudower Chaussee 5                         email: [email protected]
D-12489 Berlin                       web: http://www.bessy.de/~franksen
HOME: Benjamin Franksen, Fichtestr. 19a, D-10967 Berlin, +49(30)6913756

program test

#define NPORTS 51
#define NLINES 21

/* process variables tabEdit.db */

double tabElem[NPORTS];
assign tabElem to {""};

long tabLine;
assign tabLine to "{base}:tab:line";
monitor tabLine;

int tabNull;
assign tabNull to "{base}:tab:null";
monitor tabNull;

double tabOffset;
assign tabOffset to "{base}:tab:offset";
monitor tabOffset;

int tabDir;
assign tabDir to "{base}:tab:dir";
monitor tabDir;

int tabExec;
assign tabExec to "{base}:tab:exec";
monitor tabExec;

string tabFilename;
assign tabFilename to "{base}:tab:filename";

int tabLoad;
assign tabLoad to "{base}:tab:load";
monitor tabLoad;

int tabSave;
assign tabSave to "{base}:tab:save";
monitor tabSave;

/* event flags */

evflag efTabLine;
sync tabLine efTabLine;

evflag efTabNull;
sync tabNull efTabNull;

evflag efTabOffset;
sync tabOffset efTabOffset;

evflag efTabDir;
sync tabDir efTabDir;

evflag efTabExec;
sync tabExec efTabExec;

/* other variables */

string pvName;			/* for array pvs */
char *pvBaseName;		/* result of macValueGet("base") */
int port;				/* current port number */

ss testss
	state init
			pvBaseName = macValueGet("base");
			for(port=0; port<NPORTS; port++)
		} state idle

	state idle
			tabLoad = FALSE;
		} state idle

			tabSave = FALSE;
		} state idle

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