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Subject: Display Managers
From: john sinclair <[email protected]>
To: tech talk <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 13:27:49 -0400 (EDT)
With the introduction of tools like EPICS and VSystem, the task of
building complex distributed control systems has been greatly
simplified. Furthermore, extending both the content and functionality
of these systems is a trivial task. This is generally not the case for
applications that have been built on top of these core components and
in most cases this is appropriate. There is one class of applications,
namely interactive graphical display tools, where the lack of user
extensibility is a severe liability. This is more of an issue in
dealing with the integration of two dissimilar subsystems or the
conversion of a system from one core product to another. For example,
in the EPICS domain, a clear strategy exists for converting a legacy
system to EPICS, but there remains a great deal of difficulty
converting a modern system to epics or epics to some other modern
product largely due to the number and specific capabilities of the
operator interface displays. In addition, the interactive draw tools
used to create these displays either become too complex to extend or,
in the case of commercial products, are extended in a direction
dictated by a potential customer who promises to drop a large sum of
money if the tool is enhanced in some manner. Clearly the communities
that build systems from tools like EPICS, VSystem, Wonderware,
etc. could greatly benefit from a common, extendible operator
interface tool.

A C++ prototype for such a tool has been thrown together in about four
weeks at Oak Ridge National Lab. The structure is one of a largely
nonextensible core which defines the interactive
drawing/editing/execution capability coupled with an easily extended
set of graphic/display/control objects.

Is there any interest out there in participating in an effort to turn this
code into a viable component of the EPICS (and VSystem) toolkit? I will be
glad to coordinate the effort until a working group materializes. I do plan
to approach the VSystem community with the same proposition.

John Sinclair
[email protected]
Oak Ridge National Lab
423-576-6362   423-574-1268 (fax)

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