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Subject: How to use mbboDirect ?
From: Steve Hunt <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 16:16:25 +0100
Hi all,

can someone tell me the correct way to set all outputs of a mbboDirect
record ?
- I can set fields .B0 - .BF :

    dbpf "xvme220:mbboDirect0.B0","1"
    DBR_UCHAR:          1         0x1
    value = 0 = 0x0
    -> dbgf  "xvme220:mbboDirect0.B0"
    DBR_UCHAR:          1         0x1
    value = 0 = 0x0

also I can get the VAL field :
    -> dbgf  "xvme220:mbboDirect0"
    DBR_USHORT:         1         0x1
    value = 0 = 0x0

but I want to set all outputs in one operation. I get the following
response when I try the obvious :

    -> dbpf "xvme220:mbboDirect0","1"
    value = 32833541 = 0x1f50005
    -> filename="../recGbl.c" line number=87
    Attempt to modify noMod field PV: xvme220:mbboDirect0.VAL error
detected in rout
    filename="../dbTest.c" line number=358
    Attempt to modify noMod field dbPutField error

The record ref manual (3.13) p173 states "VAL can be changed via dbPuts
at run time when OMSL is supervisory" - (which it is).

The 3.13 record ref manual is inconsistant with the doc on the cebaf ftp
site -
the cebaf doc (probably 3.12) defines VAL as a USHORT, the 3.13 doc
defines VAL as a ENUM,
and my .dbd file also defines VAL as a USHORT.

I am runing 3.13b12

-> dbpr "xvme220:mbboDirect0",4
ACKS: NO_ALARM      ACKT: YES           ASG:                ASP:
B0: 1               B1: 0               B2: 0               B3: 0
B4: 0               B5: 0               B6: 0               B7: 0
B8: 0               B9: 0               BA: 0               BB: 0
BC: 0               BD: 0               BE: 0               BF: 0
BKPT: 0x00          DESC: xvme220       DISA: 0             DISP: 0
DISS: NO_ALARM      DISV: 1             DOL:CONSTANT        DPVT:
DSET: 0x01bb7080    DTYP: XVME-220      EVNT: 0
IVOA: Continue normally                 IVOV: 0             LALM: 0
LCNT: 0             LSET: 0x01aa0720    MASK: 255
MLIS: 0x000000000000000000000000        MLOK: 0x01ba6d4000000000
MLST: 1             NAME: xvme220:mbboDirect0               NOBT: 8
NSEV: NO_ALARM      NSTA: NO_ALARM      OMSL: supervisory   ORAW: 1
ORBV: 1             OUT:VME_IO #C0 S0 @ PACT: 0             PHAS: 0
PINI: YES           PPN: 0x00000000     PPNN: 0x00000000    PRIO: LOW
PROC: 0             PUTF: 0             RBV: 1              RDES:
RPRO: 0             RSET: 0x01ae9274    RVAL: 1             SCAN:
STAT: NO_ALARM      TIME: 0x0000016339a175f9                TPRO: 0
TSE: 0              TSEL:CONSTANT       UDF: 1              VAL: 1
value = 0 = 0x0

here is the .db file :

record(mbboDirect,"xvme220:mbboDirect0") {
        field(DESC,"xvme220 ")
        field(OUT,"#C0 S0 @")

what am I doing wrong ??????


Re: How to use mbboDirect ? Ralph . Lange

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