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Subject: building 3.13.2
From: Jim Thomas <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 15:22:30 -1000 (HST)

I'm bringing up (or trying :-) 3.13.2 on a PowerPC mvme3700 under Tornado
II.  In addition to the already mentioned m_type problems, I've found:

1)  in libCom/makeStatTbl.pl there's no #include vxWorks.h so CPU
comparisons fail:

*** makeStatTbl.pl.ORIG	Thu Feb  5 11:03:06 1998
--- makeStatTbl.pl	Wed Mar 22 13:09:52 2000
*** 57,62 ****
--- 57,65 ----
  print OUT " *         ON " . localtime() . "\n";
  print OUT " */\n";
  print OUT "\n";
+ print OUT "#ifdef vxWorks\n";
+ print OUT "#include \"vxWorks.h\"\n";
+ print OUT "#endif\n";
  print OUT "#include \"errMdef.h\"\n";
  print OUT "#include \"errSymTbl.h\"\n";
  print OUT "\n";

2)  src/dev/Makefile includes vmiDev but src/drv/ansi/Makefile has
drvVmic2534.c commented out.

In Bob's January meeting minutes there was mention of a 3.14 alpha test
including 5.4 support.  What's its status?


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