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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Problems with the CA lib under LynxOS with R3.13.2
From: Benjamin Sailer <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2000 14:41:13 +0200
Hello out there,

I hope this is not a to trivial Problem to commit to this mailing list,
but I am trying to make a caServer for LynxOS to control VME Cards
sharing the Crate with a PowerPC CPU under LynxOS. This works pretty
fine when I am using nearly all the options for Linux (LynxOS also uses
the gcc compiler).

But now I am trying to implement some CA queries into the server to get
some parameters from another server. Therefore I used the little example
'myClient' (as I used 'myServer' for the Server tasks), and this
compiles pretty fine but gets no connection to the Parameter Server
while the same code compiled with Linux does exactly what I expected it
to do.

The error messages are

    Message: "The search request/beacon address list was empty after
    Severity: Warning
    Source File: ../iocinf.c Line Number: 772
bin/LynxOS/daq_seb_cas<warning>: Cannot switch to asyncronous mode:
Error number not set
bin/LynxOS/daq_seb_cas<    err>: Do not receive value of
HAD:PARAM:HERAKLES:CRATE_ID: Error number not set

pretty similar to the ones ca_test supplied:

    Message: "The search request/beacon address list was empty after
    Severity: Warning
    Source File: ../iocinf.c Line Number: 772

I made some minor changes to the sources in the base/src/ca tree because
LynxOS needs another way to find out it's own IP-address. Here's an
extract of the function I supplied:

> #ifdef LynxOS
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <sys/utsname.h>
> #include <netdb.h>
> char *getIfAddr(char *ip) {
>       struct utsname nameS, *name = &nameS;
>       struct hostent entryS, *entry = &entryS;
>       unsigned char first, second, third, fourth;
>       uname(name);
>       entry = gethostbyname(name->nodename);
>       first = *(entry->h_addr);
>       second = *((entry->h_addr) + 1);
>       third = *((entry->h_addr) + 2);
>       fourth = *((entry->h_addr) + 3);
>       sprintf(ip,"%d.%d.%d.%d", first, second, third, fourth);
>       return ip;
> }
> #endif
>       char                            myownifaddr[16];
< #ifndef LynxOS
> #ifdef LynxOS
>       getIfAddr(myownifaddr);
>       init = TRUE;
>       addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
>       addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(myownifaddr);
> #else
< #endif

I am using Version R3.13.2 of the EPICS base package.

Is anybody out there who has experience with the CA client lib under

Thank You for any comments


Benjamin Sailer
eMail: [email protected]
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bis zu der Du zaehlst, und die Zahl, bis zu der Du zaehlst, soll
die Drei sein. Weder sollst Du zaehlen bis zur Vier, noch sollst
Du zaehlen nur bis zur Zwei, es sei denn, Du faehrst fort zu
zaehlen bis zur Drei. Die Fuenf scheidet voellig aus.

RE: Problems with the CA lib under LynxOS with R3.13.2 Jeff Hill

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