Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System

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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Record size offset...
From: Mythili -TTP99 <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 19:10:19 -0500 (GMT)

  I've installed EPICS on my system.Now I tried to develop an application,
and facing some problems related to RecordSizeOffset routines.
  I read some mails put up in the site related to this problem and tried
to use the tactics mentioned in the reply mails.But none of them
worked.I'm including the error messages along with the appearance of
windsh at the time.Can you tell me where am I going wrong?
  I used lkup for SizeOffset and found all the symbols are available  w/o
In one of the mails I found that on choosing options properly for WRS
kernel builds,we can overcome this problem.Can you suggest me the set of
options I should use?

 Details about my system.
 uname -a
 SunOS sun15 5.7 Generic_106541-04 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1 

 I'm using gcc 2.7.2 on solaris and ccppc on vxWorks.
One more thing is that I've to use absolute pathnames in st.cmd file.
I tried to use dbLoadDatabase without parenthesis as mentioned in one of
the mails,the path was not recognised.


/*                      INCLUDED SOFTWARE FACILITIES

#define INCLUDE_CACHE_SUPPORT   /* include cache support package */
#define INCLUDE_CONSTANT_RDY_Q  /* constant insert time ready queue */
#define INCLUDE_CPLUS           /* include C++ support */
#define INCLUDE_CPLUS_IOSTREAMS /* include basic iostreams classes */
#define INCLUDE_CPLUS_STL       /* include Standard Template Library core
#define INCLUDE_ENV_VARS        /* unix compatable environment variables
#define INCLUDE_EXC_HANDLING    /* include basic exception handling */
#define INCLUDE_EXC_TASK        /* miscelaneous support task */
#define INCLUDE_FLOATING_POINT  /* floating point I/O */
#define INCLUDE_FORMATTED_IO    /* formatted I/O */
#define INCLUDE_GCC_FP          /* gcc floating point support libraries */

   #define INCLUDE_IO_SYSTEM       /* include I/O system */
#define INCLUDE_LOGGING         /* logTask logging facility */
#define INCLUDE_MEM_MGR_FULL    /* full featured memory manager */
#define INCLUDE_MSG_Q           /* include message queues */
#define INCLUDE_NETWORK         /* network subsystem code */
#define INCLUDE_PIPES           /* pipe driver */
#define INCLUDE_SELECT          /* select() facility */
#define INCLUDE_SEM_BINARY      /* include binary semaphores */
#define INCLUDE_SEM_MUTEX       /* include mutex semaphores */
#define INCLUDE_SEM_COUNTING    /* include counting semaphores */
#define INCLUDE_SIGNALS         /* software signal library */
#define INCLUDE_STDIO           /* standard I/O */
#define INCLUDE_TASK_HOOKS      /* include kernel callouts */
#define INCLUDE_TASK_VARS       /* task variable package */
#define INCLUDE_TIMEX           /* timexLib for exec timing */
#define INCLUDE_TTY_DEV         /* attach serial drivers */
#define INCLUDE_WATCHDOGS       /* include watchdogs */
#define INCLUDE_WDB             /* WDB debug agent */
#define INCLUDE_ANSI_ALL        /* includes complete ANSI C library
functions */
#define INCLUDE_ANSI_ASSERT     /* ANSI-C assert library functionality */
#define INCLUDE_ANSI_CTYPE      /* ANSI-C ctype library functionality */       
#define INCLUDE_ANSI_LOCALE     /* ANSI-C locale library functionality */
#define INCLUDE_ANSI_MATH       /* ANSI-C math library functionality */
#define INCLUDE_ANSI_STDIO      /* ANSI-C stdio library functionality */
#define INCLUDE_ANSI_STDLIB     /* ANSI-C stdlib library functionality */
#define INCLUDE_ANSI_STRING     /* ANSI-C string library functionality */
#define INCLUDE_ANSI_TIME       /* ANSI-C time library functionality */
#define INCLUDE_SHOW_ROUTINES   /* show routines for system facilities*/
#define INCLUDE_CONFIGURATION_5_2 /* pre-tornado tools */


/* include support for possibly existing floating point coprocessor */

#if     (CPU==MC68020 || CPU==MC68040 || CPU==MC68060 || CPU==CPU32)
#define INCLUDE_MC68881         /* MC68881/2 (68040) floating pt
coprocessor */
#define INCLUDE_HW_FP           /* potential hardware fp support */
#endif  /* CPU==MC68020 || CPU==MC68040 || CPU==MC68060 || CPU==CPU32 */

#define INCLUDE_SPARC_FPU       /* SPARC Floating-Point Unit */
#define INCLUDE_HW_FP           /* potential hardware fp support */
#endif  /* CPU_FAMILY == SPARC */

#if     (CPU_FAMILY==MIPS)
#define INCLUDE_R3010           /* R3010 float point co-processor */
#define INCLUDE_HW_FP           /* potential hardware fp support */
#endif  /* CPU_FAMILY==MIPS */

#if     ((CPU_FAMILY==PPC) && (CPU!=PPC403) && (CPU!=PPCEC603) &&
#define INCLUDE_PPC_FPU         /* PowerPC floating point unit */
#define INCLUDE_HW_FP           /* potential hardware fp support */
#endif  /* (CPU_FAMILY==PPC) && (CPU!=PPC403) */

#if     (CPU==I960KB)
#define INCLUDE_HW_FP           /* potential hardware fp support */
#endif  /* I960KB */

#if     (CPU_FAMILY==I80X86)
#define INCLUDE_I80387          /* I80387 float point co-processor */
#define INCLUDE_HW_FP           /* potential hardware fp support */
#endif  /* CPU_FAMILY==I80X86 */
#define INCLUDE_HW_FP           /* potential hardware fp support */
#endif  /* SIMHPPA */

/* define appropriate object module format for a given architecture */

#if     ((CPU_FAMILY==MIPS) || (CPU_FAMILY==PPC) ||
#define INCLUDE_ELF             /* ELF object modules */
#if     ((CPU_FAMILY==I960) || (CPU_FAMILY==AM29XXX) || (CPU_FAMILY==ARM))
#define INCLUDE_COFF            /* COFF object modules */
#else   /* default */
#else   /* default */
#define INCLUDE_AOUT            /* a.out object modules */

/*                          EXCLUDED FACILITIES


#define INCLUDE_CODETEST        /* CodeTEST target utilities library */
#define INCLUDE_CPLUS_VXW       /* include VxWorks wrapper classes */
#define INCLUDE_CPLUS_TOOLS     /* include Tools class library */
#define INCLUDE_CPLUS_STRING      /* include string class */
#define INCLUDE_CPLUS_STRING_IO   /* include i/o for string class */
#define INCLUDE_CPLUS_COMPLEX     /* include complex number class */
#define INCLUDE_CPLUS_COMPLEX_IO  /* include i/o for complex number class
#define INCLUDE_CPLUS_IOSTREAMS_FULL  /* include all of iostreams */
/** This is now included for EPICS 16/11/2000 ***/
#define INCLUDE_CONFIGURATION_5_2 /* pre-tornado tools */
#define INCLUDE_DEBUG           /* pre-tornado debugging */
#define INCLUDE_DEMO            /* include simple demo instead of shell */
#define INCLUDE_DOSFS           /* dosFs file system */
#define INCLUDE_HTML            /* include HTML support */
#define INCLUDE_JAVA            /* Java virtual machine */
#define INCLUDE_LOADER          /* object module loading */

/* INCLUDE_MMU_BASIC is defined by many bsp's in config.h. If
 * is defined in configAll.h and INCLUDE_MMU_BASIC is defined in config.h,
 * then INCLUDE_MMU_FULL will take precedence.

#define INCLUDE_MMU_BASIC       /* bundled mmu support */
#define INCLUDE_MMU_FULL        /* unbundled mmu support */
#define INCLUDE_SYM_TBL_SYNC    /* synchronize host and target symbol
tables */

#define INCLUDE_POSIX_AIO       /* POSIX async I/O support */
#define INCLUDE_POSIX_AIO_SYSDRV/* POSIX async I/O system driver */
#define INCLUDE_POSIX_FTRUNC    /* POSIX ftruncate routine */
#define INCLUDE_POSIX_MEM       /* POSIX memory locking */
#define INCLUDE_POSIX_MQ        /* POSIX message queue support */
#define INCLUDE_POSIX_SCHED     /* POSIX scheduling */
#define INCLUDE_POSIX_SEM       /* POSIX semaphores */
#define INCLUDE_POSIX_SIGNALS   /* POSIX queued signals */
#define INCLUDE_POSIX_TIMERS    /* POSIX timers */
#define INCLUDE_PROTECT_TEXT    /* text segment write protection
(unbundled) */
#define INCLUDE_PROTECT_VEC_TABLE /* vector table write protection
#define INCLUDE_RAMDRV          /* ram disk driver */
#define INCLUDE_RAWFS           /* rawFs file system */
#define INCLUDE_RBUFF           /* ring of buffers library */
#define INCLUDE_RT11FS          /* rt11Fs file system */
#define INCLUDE_SECURITY        /* shell security for network access */
#define INCLUDE_SHELL           /* interactive c-expression interpreter */
/* Now this has been included to make EPICS work 16/11/2000*/
#define INCLUDE_SHOW_ROUTINES   /* show routines for system facilities*/
#define INCLUDE_SM_OBJ          /* shared memory objects (unbundled) */
#define INCLUDE_SPY             /* spyLib for task monitoring */
#define INCLUDE_STANDALONE_SYM_TBL /* compiled-in symbol table */
#define INCLUDE_STARTUP_SCRIPT  /* execute start-up script */
#define INCLUDE_STAT_SYM_TBL    /* create user-readable error status */
#define INCLUDE_SW_FP           /* software floating point emulation */
#define INCLUDE_SYM_TBL         /* symbol table package */
#define INCLUDE_UGL             /* include Universal Graphic Library
support */
#define INCLUDE_UNLOADER        /* object module unloading */
#define INCLUDE_WILLOWS_RT      /* include Willows RT library */
#define INCLUDE_WDB_TSFS        /* target-server file system */
#define INCLUDE_VXFUSION        /* WindMP (unbundled) */
#define INCLUDE_WINDVIEW        /* WindView target facilities */
#define INCLUDE_WVUPLOAD_ALL    /* include all Windview upload-path types
#define INCLUDE_WVUPLOAD_FILE   /* include file Windview upload-path */
#define INCLUDE_WVUPLOAD_SOCK   /* include socket Windview upload-path */
#define INCLUDE_WVUPLOAD_TSFSSOCK /* include tsfs sock Windview
upload-path */

#define INCLUDE_ANSI_5_0        /* include only version 5.0 ANSI support
#define INCLUDE_DELETE_5_0      /* define delete() function as in VxWorks
5.0 */

#define INCLUDE_TSFS_BOOT       /* Boot using Target Server File System */
#define INCLUDE_TSFS_BOOT_VIO_CONSOLE   /* use tgtsvr Console for

#endif  /* FALSE */


Press any key to stop auto-boot...
 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

boot device          : dc
unit number          : 0 
processor number     : 0 
host name            : sun2
file name            : /d_scratch/tornado/target/proj/Project21/default/vxWorks
inet on ethernet (e) :
host inet (h)        :
user (u)             : tornado
ftp password (pw)    : torsst1
flags (f)            : 0x0 
target name (tn)     : vme1

 Attached TCP/IP interface to dc0.
Attaching network interface lo0... done.
Loading... 1219848
Starting at 0x100000...

sysScsiInit() Failed, SCSI system not initialized
0x3fffdf8 (tRootTask): Secondary SCSI controller not found
Attached TCP/IP interface to dc unit 0
Attaching interface lo0...done

Adding 3756 symbols for standalone.

      ]]]]]]]]]]]  ]]]]     ]]]]]]]]]]       ]]              ]]]]         (R)
 ]     ]]]]]]]]]  ]]]]]]     ]]]]]]]]       ]]               ]]]]            
 ]]     ]]]]]]]  ]]]]]]]]     ]]]]]] ]     ]]                ]]]]            
 ]]]     ]]]]] ]    ]]]  ]     ]]]] ]]]   ]]]]]]]]]  ]]]] ]] ]]]]  ]]   ]]]]]
 ]]]]     ]]]  ]]    ]  ]]]     ]] ]]]]] ]]]]]]   ]] ]]]]]]] ]]]] ]]   ]]]]  
 ]]]]]     ]  ]]]]     ]]]]]      ]]]]]]]] ]]]]   ]] ]]]]    ]]]]]]]    ]]]] 
 ]]]]]]      ]]]]]     ]]]]]]    ]  ]]]]]  ]]]]   ]] ]]]]    ]]]]]]]]    ]]]]
 ]]]]]]]    ]]]]]  ]    ]]]]]]  ]    ]]]   ]]]]   ]] ]]]]    ]]]] ]]]]    ]]]]
 ]]]]]]]]  ]]]]]  ]]]    ]]]]]]]      ]     ]]]]]]]  ]]]]    ]]]]  ]]]] ]]]]]
 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]       Development System
 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]       VxWorks version 5.4
 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]       KERNEL: WIND version 2.5
 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]       Copyright Wind River Systems, Inc., 1984-1999

                               CPU: Motorola MVME3600 - MPC 604e.  Processor #0.
                              Memory Size: 0x4000000.  BSP version 1.2/0.
                             WDB: Ready.
-> filename="../dbStaticRun.c" line number=667
Missing SizeOffset Routine - No record support? _aiRecordSizeOffset
filename="../dbStaticRun.c" line number=667
Missing SizeOffset Routine - No record support? _aoRecordSizeOffset
filename="../dbStaticRun.c" line number=667
Missing SizeOffset Routine - No record support? _biRecordSizeOffset
filename="../dbStaticRun.c" line number=667
Missing SizeOffset Routine - No record support? _boRecordSizeOffset
filename="../dbStaticRun.c" line number=667
Missing SizeOffset Routine - No record support? _calcRecordSizeOffset
filename="../dbStaticRun.c" line number=667
Missing SizeOffset Routine - No record support? _calcoutRecordSizeOffset
filename="../dbStaticRun.c" line number=667
Missing SizeOffset Routine - No record support? _compressRecordSizeOffset
filename="../dbStaticRun.c" line number=667
Missing SizeOffset Routine - No record support? _dfanoutRecordSizeOffset
errlog = 20 messages were discarded
dbAllocRecord(calc) record_size =0
Starting iocInit
filename="../iocInit.c" line number=317
Missing record support entry table ai
filename="../iocInit.c" line number=317
Missing record support entry table ao
filename="../iocInit.c" line number=317
Missing record support entry table bi
filename="../iocInit.c" line number=317
Missing record support entry table bo
filename="../iocInit.c" line number=317
Missing record support entry table calc
filename="../iocInit.c" line number=317
Missing record support entry table calcout
filename="../iocInit.c" line number=317
Missing record support entry table compress
filename="../iocInit.c" line number=317
Missing record support entry table dfanout
filename="../iocInit.c" line number=317
Missing record support entry table event
filename="../iocInit.c" line number=317
Missing record support entry table fanout
errlog = 56 messages were discarded
iocInit: All initialization complete
t5 11/16/00 16:28:16: Spawning state program "snctest", task name = "snctest"
t5 11/16/00 16:28:16:   Task id = 61334536 = 0x3a7e408
../repeater.c: no client sock because 55="S_errno_ENOBUFS"
../repeater.c: no client sock because 55="S_errno_ENOBUFS"
../repeater.c: no client sock because 55="S_errno_ENOBUFS"
../repeater.c: no client sock because 55="S_errno_ENOBUFS"
../repeater.c: no client sock because 55="S_errno_ENOBUFS"
../repeater.c: no client sock because 55="S_errno_ENOBUFS"
../repeater.c: no client sock because 55="S_errno_ENOBUFS"

-> pwd
value = 0 = 0x0
-> cd "epics/base/myth/iocBoot/ioctarget"
value = 0 = 0x0
-> < st.cmd
# Example vxWorks startup file

# Following must be added for many board support packages
#cd <full path to target bin directory>

< cdCommands
startup = "/d_scratch/tornado/epics/base/myth/iocBoot/ioctarget"
new symbol "startup" added to symbol table.
startup = 0x6072e0: value = 6320880 = 0x6072f0 = startup + 0x10
appbin = "/d_scratch/tornado/epics/base/myth/bin/ppc604"
new symbol "appbin" added to symbol table.
appbin = 0x6072a0: value = 6320816 = 0x6072b0 = appbin + 0x10
top = "/d_scratch/tornado/epics/base/myth"
new symbol "top" added to symbol table.
top = 0x607260: value = 6320752 = 0x607270 = top + 0x10
topbin = "/d_scratch/tornado/epics/base/myth/bin/ppc604"
new symbol "topbin" added to symbol table.
topbin = 0x607220: value = 6320688 = 0x607230 = topbin + 0x10
template_top = "/d_scratch/tornado/epics/base/templates/makeBaseApp/top"
new symbol "template_top" added to symbol table.
template_top = 0x6071d0: value = 6320608 = 0x6071e0 = template_top + 0x10
epics_base = "/d_scratch/tornado/epics/base"
new symbol "epics_base" added to symbol table.
epics_base = 0x6071a0: value = 6320560 = 0x6071b0 = epics_base + 0x10
epics_basebin = "/d_scratch/tornado/epics/base/bin/ppc604"
new symbol "epics_basebin" added to symbol table.
epics_basebin = 0x607160: value = 6320496 = 0x607170 = epics_basebin + 0x10

#< ../nfsCommands

cd "/d_scratch/tornado/epics/base/myth/bin/ppc604" 
value = 0 = 0x0
ld < iocCore
Loading /d_scratch/tornado/epics/base/myth/bin/ppc604/iocCore \
value = 418024 = 0x660e8
ld < seq
Loading /d_scratch/tornado/epics/base/myth/bin/ppc604/seq -
value = 1192920 = 0x1233d8
ld < exampleLib
Loading /d_scratch/tornado/epics/base/myth/bin/ppc604/exampleLib -
value = 1194304 = 0x123940

cd "/d_scratch/tornado/epics/base/myth"
value = 0 = 0x0
dbLoadDatabase ("/d_scratch/tornado/epics/base/myth/dbd/exampleApp.dbd");
value = 0 = 0x0
dbLoadRecords ("/d_scratch/tornado/epics/base/myth/db/dbExample1.db","user=tornado")

value = -1 = 0xffffffff
(Here I pressed ctrl-C to come out after a long time )
dbLoadRecords ("/d_scratch/tornado/epics/base/myth/db/dbExample2.db")

value = -1 = 0xffffffff
(Same here also)
###  @(#)EPICS IOC CORE built on Jul  7 2000
###  @(#)Version R3.13.3 $2000/07/10 18:20:58$
value = 0 = 0x0
seq &snctest
@(#)SNC/SEQ Version 1.9.2.Beta12 : Fri Jul  7 10:32:10 2000
value = 61334536 = 0x3a7e408



Mythili S.

Re: Record size offset... Andrew Johnson

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