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Subject: Re: e2db
From: Rozelle Wright <[email protected]>
To: Jim Thomas <[email protected]>, [email protected]
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 12:40:39 -0600
Hi Jim,
I think the version you have is one you got from us and it is the same one that is located at:
I am officially retired, though I come in some as a lab associate.  I don't want to be responsible anymore for maintaining these tools.  I think it would be useful if one of the telescope facilities or some other place that uses all the features of capfast would maintain them.  I would like someone from APS who knows how the code should be distributed to respond to this, (perhaps Andrew Johnson?)  I'm not quite sure what the proper address for the EPICS home page is anymore.  I can't seem to get to the above address directly from what I thought was the epics home page:http://www.aps.anl.gov/epics.  I had to use a search for e2db to find it.  The code is probably in the wrong place, but I'm not sure where it should be, or how to get it there. Or maybe there is something better to use than e2db and dbst.

At 04:41 PM 9/10/2002 -1000, Jim Thomas wrote:

I think I've got the latest version of e2db, dated 21-Jan-1999.  In any
event, I'm trying to translate a multi-level edif file, and it is coreing.
purify says it's an uninitialized memory read.  It goes away if I add the

*** edifRead.c~ Thu Jan 21 04:45:54 1999
--- edifRead.c  Tue Sep 10 16:32:31 2002
*** 239,244 ****
--- 239,245 ----
                curcel->flink = (struct cell *)malloc(sizeof (struct cell));
                curcel = curcel->flink;
+       curcel->flink = (struct cell *)NULL;
        curcel->polink = (struct port *)NULL;
        curcel->prlink = (struct prop *)NULL;
        curcel->ilink = (struct instance *)NULL;

....  I'll send a test case to whomever wants to verify the patch.


e2db Jim Thomas

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