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Subject: Motor Record Status Field
From: "Norbury, MA (Martin) " <[email protected]>
To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 16:05:32 +0100
Title: Message
Bit 11 of the MSTA field of the motor record is a MOVING state, which is true when the motor has a non-zero velocity. Does anybody know if this bit actually works? I'm currently using version 4.6 of the motor record to drive a stepper motor with an encoder, and this field always remains false. Having looked at the code (version 4.6 and version 4.8) it doesn't appear to get set anywhere.
Many thanks, 
Martin Norbury
Software Engineer Beamline Systems
Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Building R63
Chilton, Didcot.
OX11 0QX
Tel: 44 (0) 1235 778235
Email: [email protected]

Motor Record Status Field - Supported by Hytec Electronics Ltd. Darrell Nineham
Re: Motor Record Status Field Tim Mooney

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Prev: Tcl/Tk on Solaris with EPICS 3.14.6 Robert Soliday
Next: Motor Record Status Field - Supported by Hytec Electronics Ltd. Darrell Nineham
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