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Subject: devLib, RTEMS and the Oms58 driver
From: wnolan <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 19:32:37 -0500
Hi all, 
 I have a question about the way devlib is used by the Oms58 driver,
I've setup to compile under RTEMS-4.6.2 and epics-3.14.6 I am using
version 5.3 of the motor record as a module outside of Synapps. 
I've modified the motor record/driver files following the changes that
Kate Feng make for NSLS controls group, 

The motor record and softMotor parts compile and link correctaly, the
liboms section build correctaly, or at least with out error, however whe
I link an applicatin against liboms The linker returns: 
collect2: ld terminated with signal 11 [Segmentation fault]
/epics/base/lib/RTEMS-mvme2307//libCom.a(devLib.o): In function
devLib.o(.text+0x1ac): undefined reference to `pdevLibVirtualOS'

Looking at the refrance it is complaining about, it is a pointer defined
in devLib.h:329
extern devLibVirtualOS *pdevLibVirtualOS;

As far as I can tell this pointer , or the struct it points to are never
used by the OMS driver, the only place they are refranced is within

It is also cruious to me that although the struct is declared, it is
dever defined/populated. 

So I guess the question i have is, is there documentation on devLib
maintained anywhere in more detail than in the genral APP-DEV guide ?
Or does anyone have a example of devLib being used under RTEMS that I
might look at to try and debug this further. 
Or is there somthing else that I have missed, like a dependancey that
the motor record package has that is not in its readme's or make files. 
I'me sorry for such a vauge post, If you have any ideas or guidance I
would apprecait it. 

[email protected]

Re: devLib, RTEMS and the Oms58 driver Kate Feng

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