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Subject: synApps Workshop
From: "Rees, NP \(Nick\)" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 18:23:18 -0000

This is just to let the community know that we at Diamond have invited
Tim Mooney from the APS to the UK 5-8 December to give some training on
synApps. As part of this we are also thinking of having discussion on
how to progress synApps so that it becomes more widely used and
understood, and how it fits in with V4 developments. The whole thing is
intended to be fairly informal, but I was wondering whether some of the
European EPICS sites might be interested in sending one or possibly two
people to Diamond to talk about beamline issues and learn about synApps.
If you are, send me a note, plus maybe what part of the agenda you are
most interested in.

A tentative agenda is as follows:

Monday 09:00-12:00 Advanced EPICS fundamentals. Things that aren't
necessarily covered in a basic EPICS course.
Monday 12:00-13:30 Lunch
Monday 13:30-14:30 Introduction to EPICS on beamlines (talk aimed at
wider audience).
Monday 14:30-17:00 Introduction to synApps (quick overview of all
synApps components) - similar to your
oSynApps2.ppt talk.
Monday 19:00-21:00 Dinner (repeated on all nights!)

Tuesday 09:00-17:00 synApps in detail - 
                   scans, co-ordinate transformations, detectors,
diagnostics, database tips and tricks etc.

Wednesday 09:00-16:00 Whither synApps? workshop. synApps and EPICS V4,
synApps and sourceforge, synApps TNG...
                   I think a reasonable goal might be to generate some
developer and beamline use cases
                   and/or requirements for EPICS V4.

Thursday. More of the same. Detailed writing of use cases.


Nick Rees
Principal Software Engineer           Phone: +44 (0)1235-778430
Diamond Light Source                  Fax:   +44 (0)1235-446713

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