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Subject: Re: gateway enum writes
From: "Martin L. Smith" <[email protected]>
To: "Leicester, PJ (Pete)" <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 11:25:27 -0600

I don't know the solution to this problem but have also seen it running
on both Solaris and Linux gateway builds, using MEDM on solaris.
PV Gateway Version (An unofficial release)
EPICS 3.14.7

Usually when this happens I restart the PV gateway which corrects the
problem, at least short term. If I repeatedly (hard to reproduce)press
the button connected to the enum the gateway will eventually have the
problem that you describe. Again restarting the gateway will cure the
problem for a while. At APS we do not perform this enum task very much
so it generally takes a long time for the problem to manifest itself.

Marty Smith
APS Controls Group

Leicester, PJ (Pete) wrote:
I am getting some strange behaviour when writing enumerations through the Gateway (version on and RedHat Enterprise 4).
The problem first showed itself in edm when pressing a button on a edm screen to send the value resulted in the following error:
Warning: "Virtual circuit unresponsive"
Context: "diamrs0005l.diamond.ac.uk:6064"
Source File: ../tcpiiu.cpp line 896
Current Time: Tue Mar 28 2006 16:19:01.334736000
I did some further tests using caput with similar results:
[pjl45@pc0005 pjl45]$ caput -w15 GDA:scaler2.CNT Count
Old : GDA:scaler2.CNT Done
Read operation timed out: PV data was not read.
New : GDA:scaler2.CNT
Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect"
Context: "op=0, channel=GDA:scaler2.CNT, type=DBR_TIME_STRING, count=1, ctx="diamrs0005l.diamond.ac.uk:6064""
Source File: ../getCopy.cpp line 82
Current Time: Tue Mar 28 2006 17:04:24.488496000
Despite the above error message the write does actually reach the IOC.
However if I now try the change the value back as follows:
[pjl45@pc0005 pjl45]$ caput -w15 GDA:scaler2.CNT Done
Old : GDA:scaler2.CNT Count
Read operation timed out: PV data was not read.
New : GDA:scaler2.CNT
Warning: "Virtual circuit disconnect"
Context: "op=0, channel=GDA:scaler2.CNT, type=DBR_TIME_STRING, count=1, ctx="diamrs0005l.diamond.ac.uk:6064""
Source File: ../getCopy.cpp line 82
Current Time: Tue Mar 28 2006 17:22:36.167980000
I get an error again however this time the 'Done' value gets written to the IOC exactly ONE MINUTE after I entered the caput command. This is long after the caput command has timed out so it appears the gateway is responsible for the delay?
Has anyone any idea what may be happening? Is there a 60 second timeout in CA or the gateway which may give a clue as to what I am seeing?
(For the record this test was done with a very lightly loaded test gateway serving only 20 or so PV's. Also using caput -w70 results in the same timeouts)
Pete Leicester
Senior Software Engineer
Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
OX11 0QX
Tel: 01235 778478

gateway enum writes Leicester, PJ (Pete)

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