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Subject: RE: Java IDE & graphic library
From: "Chevtsov, Sergei" <[email protected]>
To: "Chu, Chungming Paul" <[email protected]>, "Larrieu, Christopher" <[email protected]>, "Kay-Uwe Kasemir" <[email protected]>
Cc: "tech talk" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 16:36:13 -0800
I agree with Paul 100%.
Have a nice weekend, dudez :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Chu, Chungming Paul [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Fri 2/23/2007 4:26 PM
To: Larrieu, Christopher; Kay-Uwe Kasemir
Cc: tech talk
Subject: RE: Java IDE & graphic library
I used Netbeans a couple of years ago (up to v.3.5 and briefly with v.4).  Because at that time, it was not easy to run an app within the IDE using ant build.xml, I switched to Eclipse.  I think both Eclipse and Netbeans are good IDEs and both can do a lot more than Emacs (refactoring, CVS, and hundreds of other features).  They both support plug-in development, if you ever want to write plug-ins instead of stand-alone apps.  The biggest difference as an IDE (I think) is the user base -- developers using Eclipse are far more than any other IDEs (a survey done over a year ago showing ~50% of Java developers using Eclipse).  Therefore, there are a lot of existing Eclipse plug-ins you can download (for free).  And, more Eclipse books, online helps than NetBeans.  However, if you are trying to use GUI/RCP (rich client platform), it opens up another big debate between SWT/JFace (Eclipse) and AWT/Swing (pure Java?) which I don't think I'd like to get in in Friday afternoon.

As an IDE, one thing I like Eclipse in particular (besides refactoring and other features people already mentioned) is the "Call Hierarchy" view -- it shows all the call chain and you can easily understand code written by others.
I don't know if NetBeans offers similar feature in 5.5.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Larrieu [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thu 2/22/2007 11:54 AM
To: Kay-Uwe Kasemir
Cc: tech talk
Subject: Re: Java IDE & graphic library
Can't agree more.  I've tried off and on to like the various IDE's du
jour through the years, and I always find that nothing beats good old
emacs for serious coding.

While I expect to be working with eclipse as an application platform, I
imagine I'll mostly be coding in emacs, using eclipse for the things
that it does well, like refactoring.


On Thu, 2007-02-22 at 14:26 -0500, Kay-Uwe Kasemir wrote:
> On Feb 22, 2007, at 12:06 , Claude Saunders wrote:
> >  - Claude "I don't use an IDE, but that doesn't stop me from having  
> > an opinion." Saunders
> In the (distant) past, I had used Turbo Pascal, Borland C++,
> Visual Studio, KDeveloper, and every time came back
> to vi, make, emacs.
> Eclipse was the first IDE that really appealed to me
> - it doesn't force you to create your project in a specific way.
> You can locate your sources and binary in pretty much any place,
> and also import existing projects.
> - the java support is really nice: completion, compile-as-you-type
> error checking
> - the absolute killer is the refactoring.
> Not just rename classes, but extract sections of code into their
> own subroutine, extract methods into interfaces etc.
> All that is perfectly usable for plain Java code that before or after
> being edited inside Eclipse bears no mark of ever having been in
> contact with it.
> Netbeans might be similar, I don't know.
> I didn't like the Eclipse GUI interface builder.
> Maybe because it only really works well on Win32,
> maybe because I never liked any GUI interface builder.
> -Kay

Java IDE & graphic library Lecorche Eric
Re: Java IDE & graphic library Claude Saunders
Re: Java IDE & graphic library Kay-Uwe Kasemir
Re: Java IDE & graphic library Christopher Larrieu
RE: Java IDE & graphic library Chu, Chungming Paul

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