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Subject: Re: Orderly IOC shutdown?
From: Michael Abbott <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Cc: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 07:25:00 +0000 (GMT)
On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Andrew Johnson wrote:
You can use the epicsAtExit() facility to get callbacks when shutdown is occurring, but the current state of the other threads when this happens is not well-defined, meaning your I/O thread may be active at the time and there's nothing we can do about that.

Ok ... and alas. By "your I/O thread" I suspect you actually mean EPICS threads? As I say, I have full control over my own threads! If there was a call I could hook in to say "from this point there will be no further EPICS initiated activity (calls from EPICS threads)" it would be perfect.

If not then I'll just make sure to batten down the hatches so I don't crash during shutdown (grr!) and rely on the OS to tidy up the rest.

I hope you've heard of the GNU Screens program

Yes, screen is excellent ... but oddly enough, not terribly useful in my current application. The earlier versions of my software (yes, the Libera EPICS driver) ran in a screen, but I never found it useful. I find I have two modes of operation: single machine development in the lab, when I run the IOC interactively; and deployed onto the accelerator, when I run 205 copies as daemons writing to a log file.

The problems I encounter are either easy logic problems, which can be sorted out during interactive development on a single machine, or hair tairing intermittent problems which happen on one machine in a hundred every few hours ... I now have 32 core dumps to puzzle over :(

Here's a very odd problem that's been bothering me (sorry, bit of a digression here): I have processing chains of the form

bi -> fanout -> (r1, ..., rn, bo)

where bi is a SCAN="I/O Intr" record that I trigger when records r1 to rn need to update and bo is a record that gets processed when records r1 to rn have finished. In the IOC itself I run the following loop (obviously with the appropriate setup so that (2) can come first!):

(1)	wait for external event
(2)	wait for bo record above to process
(3)	update underlying data for r1 to rn
(4)	signal bi record (scanIoRequest)

I have half a dozen or so instances of this pattern which works very nicely 99.9999...% of the time ... but every now and then something very odd happens: step (2) above times out on one instance ... and another instance gets an EXTRA signal. It's as if the bo record from one chain was processed during the processing of a completely different chain! Or perhaps my semaphores are wonky? Of course (2) and (4) are linked by a pthread semaphore.

As this effect is really very rare, I can only think that it's a synchronisation problem. My suspicion current falls in one of two places: the bowels of EPICS record processing, or something fundamental in the threading library I'm using (yes, I'm still using gcc 3.3.3 with an old glibc on the ARM).
Orderly IOC shutdown? Michael Abbott
Re: Orderly IOC shutdown? Andrew Johnson

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