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Subject: RE: problem using streams with asyn for Agilent E5810A Ethernet->GPIB
From: "Denison, PN \(Peter\)" <[email protected]>
To: "Dirk Zimoch" <[email protected]>
Cc: "tech talk" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 15:02:59 +0100
> From: Dirk Zimoch [mailto:[email protected]] 
> it seems I misunderstood what the current problem was.
> Indeed, stream first tries to read 1 byte with a quite long 
> timeout (reply timeout) and then the rest with shorter timeout
> (read timeout). Also any very long message may be read in
> pieces from the underlying asyn driver.
> Even though this should be legal according to the asyn 
> documentation (and works perfectly for serial and TCP), the
> GPIB driver did not support it, returned "asynOverflow" and
> destroyed the message. I had modified StreamDevice some time 
> ago not to read a single byte at the beginning any more if he 
> device is GPIB. 
> But still there might be a problem with very long messages.
> As far as I know, the lastest version of asyn also fixes this 
> problem and the GPIB driver does not return "asynOverflow" any
> more.
> Thus, either upgrading asyn or stream (or both) to the the 
> latest version should fix your problem. Please report if that
> worked.
> Yours,
> Dirk

Using streamDevice CVS snapshot 20070511 works with both asyn 4-6 and
asyn 4-8. We didn't test the original stream device (2-1+all patches)
with the new (4-8) asyn, but I guess that doesn't matter. Many thanks

Peter Denison, Senior Software Engineer
Diamond Light Source Ltd., Diamond House, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon
OX11 0DE   Tel: +44 1235 778511

Re: problem using streams with asyn for Agilent E5810A Ethernet->GPIB Dirk Zimoch

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