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Subject: OMS VME58-4S / brushless motor / servo-star3000 / motor 6.2
From: jerome HOSSELET <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 09:15:21 +0200
Dear all,

In fact, I agree with you to solve problem metodically:
When I boot my system, I see motor oscillation .
after that trying then to move the motor,
I see TORQUE change in DISABLE status.
If I want move correctly, I must to set this commands:
SM("AT KP1 KD0 KI0 LP0 HN",0)
SM("AT KO.1 RE",1)
SM("AT AN",0)

Now Motor is working in both direction with PID : KP1 KD0 KI0 When CNEN (torque) is on/off, motor can'nt move with hands. (for handly moving a motor I must to disable a servostar) Encoder increase when motor increase. Our encoder is phased. Status update ok, I see a button.

Now I try to access a final position very fastly (with no retry) but I have a biggest error between a final position and desired position.

My setup is:
SREV= 2048 step/REV
UREV= 360 °
EGU = degrees
=> MRES = 0.17578
I put ERES & RRES with a same value

-1/ Is it correct that ???

I use only READBACK.

-2/ How to turn off backlash  ??
   - Is it a motor with no charge ??
   - Is it a motor with no belt ??

We use a brushless motor & servo-star 300 & OMS58-4S

We would like to see one pulse more largest.
fn:Jerome HOSSELET
org:CNRS / IPHC;Electronique / Informatique
adr:;;23 rue du loess;Strasbourg;;67000;FRANCE
email;internet:[email protected]
title:Assistant Ingenieur
tel;work:03 88 10 65 30
tel;home:03 88 xx xx xx
tel;cell:06 60 xx xx xx
note;quoted-printable:Assistant Ing=C3=A9nieur =C3=A0 l' IPHC :=0D=0A=
	- Projet CMS=0D=0A=
	- Projet SPIRAL 2

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