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Subject: Installing EDM on OS X 10.4.10
From: "Bertrand H.J. Biritz" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 22:26:23 -0700
Dear Tech-talk,

in the post about getting MEDM to run on Fedora Core 7 I commented that I could not get EDM to run on my Mac or Linux machines.

Since then I have been offered assistance by Eric Norum and Ernest Williams on fixing this problem.

Right now I am trying to get EDM to run on my PowerBook G4 (1.67GHz) Mac running 10.4.10.

Thus far I have tried the following:

downloaded the latest EDM source (edm-1-11-0ze) and followed the instructions outlined in the README.install file:

I had already installed openmotif (2.2.2.-5), libungif (4.1.4-1) and libpng (libpng3 1:1.2.12-4) during a previous attempt using fink - should I use darwinports instead?

I then ran make without any errors.

Set up the environmental variables as mentioned in the file (using Eric's example as a guide):


I tried running EDM, but still get a bus error message.

Once that didn't work I tried running the setup.sh script (modifying the .so to .dylib as Eric suggested) and got the following error message:

sh setup.sh
* Your LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set and contain
* the path to your EPICS base's
* lib/HOST_ARCH resp. lib/EPICS_HOST_ARCH directory
* so that we can use the CA, Com, ... libraries!
* It might also need to include the Motif libraries.
Setting up EDM base directory: /usr/local/epics/extensions/src/edm

setup.sh: line 68: 2702 Bus error $EDM -addpv $EDMBASE/ pvlib/O.$ODIR/libEpics.dylib
setup.sh: line 80: 2704 Bus error $EDM -add $EDMBASE/ baselib/O.$ODIR/libEdmBase.dylib
setup.sh: line 80: 2706 Bus error $EDM -add $EDMBASE/ imagelib/O.$ODIR/lib605432d2-f29d-11d2-973b-00104b8742df.dylib
setup.sh: line 80: 2708 Bus error $EDM -add $EDMBASE/ choiceButton/O.$ODIR/lib7e1b4e6f-239d-4650-95e6-a040d41ba633.dylib
setup.sh: line 80: 2710 Bus error $EDM -add $EDMBASE/ pvFactory/O.$ODIR/libPV.dylib

I did include the EPICS libraries

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/epics/ base-

As a final attempt I modified the Makefile in edmMain per Eric's suggestion:

   edm_LIBS_Darwin += EdmBase cfcaa62e-8199-11d3-a77f-00104b8742df
   edm_LIBS_Darwin += Com EdmBase cfcaa62e-8199-11d3-a77f-00104b8742df

then ran make once more with sadly the same resulting bus error.

Hopefully, there is something simple that I am missing when trying to run EDM.

Thanks for the quick replies to my initial "on the side comment",

Re: Installing EDM on OS X 10.4.10 Eric Norum
Re: Installing EDM on OS X 10.4.10 Eric Norum

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