Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System

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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: Call for expressions of interest for ILC controls R&D and engineering
From: Margaret Votava <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2007 09:31:04 -0600

Dear all,

The International Linear Collider (http://www.linearcollider.org)
has completed the Reference Design Report phase and is entering
the Engineering Design Report phase to be completed in 2010.
There is a fair amount of R&D as well as engineering that needs
to be done in order to complete the EDR.

A call has been made to the current ILC community for a
solicitation of expressions of interest (EOI) to work on the
Control System aspects of the EDR. This email is meant to broaden
that solicitation to members of the international [controls]
community that may be interested in participating.

The list of workpackages can be found at:


An EOI is not a binding contract, we are just trying to get a list
of people and institutions that are interested in participating in this
effort, and with what expertise.

The EOI is also NOT a funding request. Part of the EOI form will
list the funding sources for the particular request.
Please note that an EOI does NOT need to complete all aspects of
a work package, but can be limited to a section of the material.
The EOI form can be found here:


Completed EOIs should be sent to the head of the ILC Controls
effort for the EDR, Margaret Votava: [email protected]. (01) 630-840-2625
by mid November. Contact me if you are interested, but may not be
ready to submit an EOI by then.

With kind regards,
Margaret Votava

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