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Subject: Re: lockset question
From: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 11:39:01 -0600
On Thursday 11 December 2008 00:39:31 Till Straumann wrote:
> Quoting the AppDevGuide (3.14.8, 3.14.10,
> Section 5.4 "Database Locking")
> "All records linked via OUTLINKs and FWDLINKs
>  are placed in the same lock set.
>  Records linked via INLINKs with PROCESS_PASSIVE
>  or MAXIMIZE_SEVERITY TRUE are also forced to
>  be in the same lock set."
> I was naively concluding that records linked
> via INLINK NPP NMS would _not_ be forced to be
> in the same lock set.

I agree that this would seem to be a reasonable thing to conclude.  I have 
been lecturing about this exact same behavior for many years, so I was 
surprised to hear that it doesn't work this way any more...

> Does anybody know when the implementation deviated from
> the documented semantics?

I didn't, but I just did the research.  The change occurred due to a commit to 
src/db/dbLock.c between the R3-14-0-alpha-1 and R3-14-0-alpha-2 releases:

revision 1.29
date: 2001-04-05 14:56:22 +0000;  author: mrk;  state: Exp;  lines: +76 -46;
add dbLockShowLocked
even scalar DB_LINKs forced into lock set

That commit included the following change in the code that calculates the 
initial lockset configuration (with at least one other similar deletion 
elsewhere in the file):

@@ -369,16 +363,6 @@ void epicsShareAPI dbLockInitRecords(dbB
                 plink = (DBLINK *)((char *)precord + pdbFldDes->offset);
                 if(plink->type != DB_LINK) continue;
                 pdbAddr = (DBADDR *)(plink->value.pv_link.pvt);
-                /* The current record is in a different lockset -IF-
-                *    1. Input link
-                *    2. Not Process Passive
-                *    3. Not Maximize Severity
-                *    4. Not An Array Operation - single element only
-                */
-                if (pdbFldDes->field_type==DBF_INLINK
-                && !(plink->value.pv_link.pvlMask&pvlOptPP)
-                && !(plink->value.pv_link.pvlMask&pvlOptMS)
-                && pdbAddr->no_elements<=1) continue;

The original behavior is not really a good idea because it allows a value to 
be fetched from another record while that record is active.  While this may 
work in most circumstances, there are cases where it breaks because reading 
and/or writing the field value isn't an atomic operation, so the read can 
return mangled data:
   1. If the field being copied is a string,
   2. If the CPU uses software floating point,
   3. On SMP machines if the field crosses a cache-line boundary.
The rules for many SMP machines actually require a write + read barrier to 
guarantee that the reading CPU sees data that was written by another CPU, and 
the only portable way of inserting those barriers is with a mutex, which is 
what a lockset provides.

At this point I think the only reasonable fix is to update the documentation, 
and tell people to use a .CA link to break a lockset.  Local .CA links do not 
traverse the network, so they're not quite as inefficient as they might seem.  
Unfortunately this can break some R3.13 IOCs that get converted to R3.14, but 
I don't see any way around that issue; any IOC developer doing a conversion 
will have to look carefully at their locksets if they matter to that IOC.

- Andrew
The best FOSS code is written to be read by other humans -- Harold Welte

Re: lockset question Benjamin Franksen
Re: lockset question Marty Kraimer
lockset question Till Straumann

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