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Subject: back propagating error states
From: "Leicester, PJ (Pete)" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 15:27:57 +0100
Title: Message
I have a problem propagating error states in my database. I have two mbbo records controlled through two edm buttons. These records when processed forward link to a calc record which calculates a value based on the two mbbo records which is then sent via streams and RS232 to a current amplifier (see db below). This all works fine until I get an RS232 communications error. Streams correctly detects the comms error and puts the longout record into error state (STAT TIMEOUT, SEVR INVALID). What I need to do is propagate this error state back to the mbbo records so that it is visible on the edm screen. Adding maximise severity to the existing links wont work because of the direction of the forward links. Clearly I can add stuff to the edm screen to display the error state of the longout record but this wont help with other client applications we have which talk directly to the mbbo PV's. I really want the mbbo records to reflect the error state of the longout record. Is there any way this can be achieved?
I tried linking the SDIS from the mbbo to the longout record with maximise severity set. This did make the mbbo reflect the longout's error state but only after being processed a second time so is far from ideal.
Any ideas anyone?
Pete Leicester
Diamond Light Source
Tel: 01235 778478

record(longout, "$(P)$(Q):SENS") {
  field(DESC, "Sensitivity")
  field(DTYP, "stream")
  field(OUT, "@sr570.proto sens_set $(PORT)")
  field(SCAN, "Passive")
  field(DRVH, "27")
  field(DRVL, "0")
record(calcout, "$(P)$(Q):SENS:CALC") {
  field(INPA, "$(P)$(Q):SENS:SEL1.VAL")
  field(INPB, "$(P)$(Q):SENS:SEL2.VAL")
  field(CALC, "B<3?(A+B*9):27")
  field(OUT, "$(P)$(Q):SENS PP")
record(mbbo, "$(P)$(Q):SENS:SEL2") {
  field(DESC, "Unit")
  field(DTYP, "Raw Soft Channel")
  field(SCAN, "Passive")
  field(NOBT, "2")
  field(ZRVL, "0")
  field(ONVL, "1")
  field(TWVL, "2")
  field(ZRST, "pA/V")
  field(ONST, "nA/V")
  field(TWST, "uA/V")
  field(FLNK, "$(P)$(Q):SENS:CALC")
  field(THVL, "3")
  field(THST, "mA/V")
  field(DISV, "")
record(mbbo, "$(P)$(Q):SENS:SEL1") {
  field(DESC, "Sensitivity")
  field(DTYP, "Raw Soft Channel")
  field(SCAN, "Passive")
  field(NOBT, "4")
  field(ZRVL, "0")
  field(ONVL, "1")
  field(TWVL, "2")
  field(THVL, "3")
  field(FRVL, "4")
  field(FVVL, "5")
  field(SXVL, "6")
  field(SVVL, "7")
  field(EIVL, "8")
  field(ZRST, "1")
  field(ONST, "2")
  field(TWST, "5")
  field(THST, "10")
  field(FRST, "20")
  field(FVST, "50")
  field(SXST, "100")
  field(SVST, "200")
  field(EIST, "500")
  field(FLNK, "$(P)$(Q):SENS:CALC")
  field(DISV, "")

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Re: back propagating error states Andrew Johnson
RE: back propagating error states Allison, Stephanie
Re: back propagating error states (accidentally) Benjamin Franksen

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