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Subject: problem about environment variables under vxWorks-6.6
From: "Liu, Gongfa" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2009 14:32:20 +0200
Hi, all,

I created an ioc application with makeBaseApp.pl for test under the following environment:
   epics base:          3.14.10
   vxWorks:             6.6
   target architecture: vxWorks-pentium

I got a waring message after iocInit:
   "The CA server's beacon address list was empty after initialization?"

This waring message is from ~base/src/rsrc/online_notify.c, I use epicsEnvShow(NULL) to print the environment variables at the position where the warning message is created, but nothing is printed. It seems that the environment variables set is not inherited. What is missing in the vxWorks image? Any suggestions are appreciated.


Gongfa Liu                         MKS-2, DESY
phone:  +49-40-8998-1642           Notkestr. 85
fax:    +49-40-8998-4388           22607 Hamburg
e-mail: [email protected]         Germany

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