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Subject: SNS CSS Message RDB
From: John Dobbins <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Tech-Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2011 12:00:58 -0400
CSS Folks,

The SNS CSS MessageRDB has MySQL sample tables found in:


This includes the following text:

# The msghist tool uses subselect queries as shown below
# to do a full search for properties that are not optimized
# as MESSAGE columns.
# Those subselect statements only work in MySQL 6.x.
# MySQL 5.x will just hang forever in them as soon as there
# are a few rows in the MESSAGE* tables

I am confused about MySQL versions referenced here. The latest stable version appears to be 5.5? Can you clarify?

BTW: I was able to download and build SNS CSS sources for the purpose of trying out BEAST. Considering the number of steps involved

1) operational mysql RDB configured with Alarm tables
2) operational Java Message Service
3) working Eclipse installation
4) download Control System Studio source and build
5) configure Alarm RDB using AlarmConfigTool (a CSS product)
6) run AlarmServer (another CSS product)
7) run CSS with AlarmTree and Alarm Table plug-ins

I thought things went remarkably smoothly. So thanks for that!

John Dobbins

Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator Sciences and Education (CLASSE)
Cornell University

Re: SNS CSS Message RDB Kasemir, Kay

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