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Subject: RE: Dynamic images in BOY
From: "Mark Rivers" <[email protected]>
To: "Pawel Predki" <[email protected]>, "Kasemir, Kay" <[email protected]>
Cc: TechTalk <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 08:27:28 -0500
Are you sure you set the EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES on the IOC server as well?  You can check it on the IOC using the command


From: [email protected] on behalf of Pawel Predki
Sent: Wed 8/24/2011 5:07 AM
To: Kasemir, Kay
Cc: TechTalk
Subject: Re: Dynamic images in BOY

Hello Kay,

It's been quite some time since I raised this topic but now I finally
managed to try your way for 1-channel images. All in all it works fine.
There is one problem, though. The images we're dealing width are of
resolution of up to 1710x1680 which is way above the default
EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES value. I changed this environmental variable to
6 000 000 and everything seemed fine again. There were no more errors.
However, only 54752 elements are really being sent. I checked it using
caget and in BOY.

My database entry looks as follows:

record(waveform, "CAMERA1:WAVETEST") {
        field(DTYP, "imgwave")
        field(NELM, "2872800")
        field(FTVL, "SHORT")

By the way, I tried FTVL, "UCHAR" and I got negative values when the
real values exceeded 127 when writing to the waveform in the IOC.

I wrote soem very simple device support routines that fill the waveform
with counter-like data (0..255) in the read_wf routine. I'm setting the
NORD field of the PV to 1710*1680 and it is there afterwards so I know
the loop works fine.

Do you have any ideas what can be wrong? Is there some other size limit
that I am not aware of?


W dniu 2011-06-06 15:33, Kasemir, Kay pisze:
> On 6/6/11 08:59 , "Pawel Predki"<[email protected]>  wrote:
>> Is it possible to do such a thing in BOY? There is an Image widget but I
>> believe it's for static images only.
> The "Intensity Graph" widget displays waveforms that are really grayscale
> images.
> For example:
> waveform with 10000 elements, "width" 100 means:
> Elements 0...99 are the first row of the image,
> elements 100..199 are the second row of the image and so on.
> You need to specify the minimum and maximum element value,
> like 0 and 255, which will then be mapped to black...white
> or some other color map of your choosing.
> -Kay

Re: Dynamic images in BOY Paweł Prędki
RE: Dynamic images in BOY Mark Rivers
Re: Dynamic images in BOY Kasemir, Kay
Re: Dynamic images in BOY Paweł Prędki

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