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Subject: RE: CA Repeater Problem with new installation of EPICS
From: "Mark Rivers" <[email protected]>
To: "Ziaulhaque Qazi" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 07:35:20 -0500
You need to add the path to the location of caRepeater executable to your PATH environment variable.  It is something like epics/base-


From: [email protected] on behalf of Ziaulhaque Qazi
Sent: Tue 9/13/2011 8:13 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: CA Repeater Problem with new installation of EPICS



I am new to EPICS. I have built the EPICS base R- successfully for Scientific Linux 5.

While I created the first application (as advised in Application Developer's Guide) and it looks running without problem.

However when I build the caClient example and tried to run caExample I observe the following messages:


./caExample rootHost:ai3

**** The executable "caRepeater" couldn't be located

**** because of errno = "No such file or directory".

**** You may need to modify your PATH environment variable.

**** Unable to start "CA Repeater" process.

rootHost:ai3 3.000000


Also when I start edm for an application here, I notice the same message. 


Can anyone help me to find what may be the possible fault in my EPICS installation.


With Regards

Zia-ul-Haque Qazi 

Control Engineer

Synchrotron-light for Experimental Sciences and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME)

P. O. Box 7, Allan 19252, Jordan
Phone: +962-5-3511348    Ext: 239

Cell:      +962-79-5295527

Fax:       +962-5-3511423


CA Repeater Problem with new installation of EPICS Ziaulhaque Qazi

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