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Subject: asynMotorController exception safety
From: Till Straumann <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Techtalk <[email protected]>, Mark Rivers <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 11:39:48 -0500
I wrote a driver class derived from asynMotorController
(which BTW was easy, thanks for the great package).

I would like the driver to be robust in case e.g., of the
absence of e.g., hardware or a serial communication channel.

Hence, my class does something like:

class MyDrv : public asynMotorController {
    MyDrv() : asynMotorController(<parameters go here>)
        status = detect_hardware(<parameters>);
        if ( status ) {
            throw MyException("HW detection failed\n");

In my main application I create a driver object

try {
   new MyDrv();
} catch (MyException &e) {
   printf("Unable to create driver: %s\n", e.what());

However, if hardware detection fails and the exception
is thrown and subsequently caught then the IOC application
will eventually (later) segfault in asynPortDriver::callbackTask()
(when trying to lock the mutex). It seems that the work
of the superclass constructor(s) (asynMotorController/asynPortDriver/...) is
not properly undone.

No segfault happens if I comment the entire try block
(including the 'new' statement), i.e., if I create no
driver at all (but still load the .db file etc.).

How am I supposed to handle failure in the constructor?

-- Till

RE: asynMotorController exception safety Mark Rivers

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