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Subject: RE: asyn / vxi11 / trace output
From: "Mark Rivers" <[email protected]>
To: "John Dobbins" <[email protected]>, "EPICS Tech-Talk" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 22:34:21 -0600
With the gpib device I think you may have to enable asynTrace not on addr=-1, but rather on addr=GPIB address of the 5312 counter.  Have you tried that? 
"inst" devices are directly connected to a single device, but "gpib" devices are connected to a GPIB controller which can be in turn connected to several devices.


From: [email protected] on behalf of John Dobbins
Sent: Thu 11/17/2011 6:53 PM
To: EPICS Tech-Talk
Subject: asyn / vxi11 / trace output


In have an EPICS 3.14.9 installation, asyn 4-9, StreamDevice 2-3

Two IOCs, each with a connection to a vxi11 device

case 1) Boonton 4540 power meter with LAN connection

    vxi11Configure ("L0","",1,1000,"inst0")


Trace output appears on IOC console as I am accustomed to, i.e.
transmitted and received messages appear at console.

case 2) Agilent 53132 counter connected through HP E5810 (lan-to-gpib)

    vxi11Configure ("L0","",1,1000,"gpib0")


in this case communication is fine but I don't see trace output.

Any ideas?


John Dobbins

RE: asyn / vxi11 / trace output John Dobbins
asyn / vxi11 / trace output John Dobbins

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