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Subject: [StreamDevice] need advice
From: Pavel Masloff <[email protected]>
To: EPICS Tech Talk <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 19:26:14 +0400
Dear all,

I have a Tektronix scope (TPS2024). I am using StreamDevice. I know how to set the scope's parameters. These are simple commands with the SCAN field = PASSIVE.
One record (the Trigger Single Sequence button) is causing me some pain. When the scope is triggered (end of measurement), I need a readback signal to change its state (=0).
So far my commands were only one way (except for the initializaion). I send, nothing comes. Here is what I use:

record(bo, "$(P)$(R)TrigArm") {
  field(DESC, "Arm the trigger")
  field(SCAN, "Passive")
  field(DTYP, "stream")
  field(OUT, "@devTPS20xx.proto TrigArm $(PORT) $(A)")
  field(ZNAM, "STOP")
  field(ONAM, "ARMED")
  field(PINI, "")

TrigArm {
    ReplyTimeout = 2000;
    out "ACQ:STOPA SEQ";
    out "ACQ:STATE %{OFF|ON}";   
    @init {
        out "ACQ:STATE?";
        in "%i";

So I need the same @init code in the TrigArm protocol (out "ACQ:STATE?";in "%i";). How can I do that?
The "ACQ:STATE?" command will have an answer ("1"=Trigger Armed, "0"=Trigger Not Armed).
I have tried using another record (with forward link), but to no avail.

Best regards,

Pavel Maslov, MS
Controls Engineer at Pulsed power Lab
Efremov Institute for Electro-Physical Apparatus
St. Petersburg, Russia

Mobile: +7 (951) 672 22 19
Landline: +7 (812) 461 01 01

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