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Subject: ISEG EHS device support on the Raspberry Pi Computer
From: Florian Feldbauer <[email protected]>
To: EPICS tech talk <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 13:24:09 +0200
Dear all,

at Bochum university, we have developed a CAN bus interfacefor the Raspberry Pi computer [1]
using the SJA1000 stand-alone CAN controller.

We are using this interface to control the high voltage power supply modules
EHS 8 620p-F and EHS 8 210p-F from ISEG [2] via the crate controller ECH238.

I have programmed a device support for these high voltage modules based on our Raspberry Pi Can interface. You can find the sources for the device support as well as the schematic of our CAN interface on github:

I will upgrade this repository with a device support for our Wiener VME crate, and some custom hardware. The VME crate has an CAN interface which can be used to read out voltages, currents, temperature and status of the crate.

Up to now the driver support in EPICS is only synchronous. Is there any documentation on how to program an asynchronous driver support? For some other devices we would need an asynchronous support.

Best regards,

[1] http://www.raspberrypi.org/
[2] http://www.iseg-hv.com/en/products/product-details/product/21/

| Dr. rer. nat. Florian Feldbauer   |
|                                   |
| Institut für Experimentalphysik I |
| Ruhr-Universität Bochum           |
| Universitätsstr. 150              |
| D-44780 Bochum                    |
|                                   |
| Office: NB 2/173                  |
| Phone:  (+49)234 / 32-23538       |
| Fax:    (+49)234 / 32-14170       |
| Web:    http://www.ep1.rub.de     |

RE: ISEG EHS device support on the Raspberry Pi Computer Mark Rivers
Re: ISEG EHS device support on the Raspberry Pi Computer Paul Nord
Re: ISEG EHS device support on the Raspberry Pi Computer Andrew Johnson

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