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Subject: Re: Block message when open cs-studio.sourceforge.net
From: "Kasemir, Kay" <[email protected]>
To: Pavel Masloff <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Cc: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 08:58:30 -0400

We're aware of the source forge problem. Since there have been previous inconveniences, we've moved the CSS source code over to github: https://github.com/ControlSystemStudio/cs-studio

> The reason I went to the cs-studio website is to get the latest version of the CSS book.
A snapshot of the CSS book can be found here:

The CSS wiki page http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/cs-studio is still on SF, and seems to be OK most of the time.

> I'm looking for more information about how to use BEAST's new automated_actions alarm fields.
Well, there's nothing on that in the CSS book. At this time, the info is only in the online help of the alarm system.
There is a new alarm.beast.notifier product that performs the notifications, and you configure that as described in the online help (which you can preview outside of running CSS by looking at the files in plugins/org.csstudio.alarm.beast.ui/html/alarm_system.html, section is copied below.


Automated Notifications

If alarms persist for a certain time without being acknowledged or cleared, and automated notification can be generated.

If you configure a notification for an alarm trigger PV, the default message will contain the alarm info for that PV. If you configure a notification for a system or area, the default message will list the PVs in alarm below that section of the alarm tree.

The configuration of an automated notification has three parts:

 1.  Title: The title to be displayed as a context menu item. The max length of title is 30 characters.
 2.  Delay: Delay in seconds before the notification is performed. If the alarm is acknowledged or clears before this delay, no notification will be performed.
 3.  Details: Details of the automated action to be executed. The exact format of the notification detail depends on the type of notification, for example email, as listed below.

The automated notifications are performed by a designated "alarm-notifier" that must be running in parallel to the alarm server.

Email Notifications

Email notifications start with "mailto:";, using the RFC 6068 URL schema.


mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected],[email protected]
mailto:[email protected][email protected]&[email protected]
mailto:[email protected][email protected]&subject=*RF Source 1 in error&body={0} Alarm raised - Water below {1} m3

Within the configuration, the text {0} will be replaced with the alarm severity and {1} with the value that triggered the alarm.

External Command

The prefix "cmd:" selects an external command to be executed. Examples:


cmd:caput SomePV 1
cmd:my_notifier *

Within the configuration, the text * will be replaced with a list of alarm PVs and alarm severities.

The command is executed with the working directory defined by the preference


of the notifier.

From: Pavel Masloff <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Date: Thursday, September 27, 2012 07:29
To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Cc: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Subject: Re: Block message when open cs-studio.sourceforge.net

same behavior

On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 3:26 PM, <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:

When I tried to access cs-studio.sourceforge.net<http://cs-studio.sourceforge.net><http://cs-studio.sourceforge.net> the following message is displayed:
This project has been temporarily blocked for exceeding its bandwidth threshold

Projects and users who host on SourceForge.net<http://SourceForge.net> are given web space to augment their communities and interact with their users. In cases where a project or user's web space exceeds pre-determined thresholds, this message will be displayed. This block is typically short lived (10-15 minutes), unless the cause of the bandwidth usage is not mitigated. We recommend that the administrator of the site take action to reduce bandwidth usage. If you feel you are receiving this message erroneously, please contact SourceForge.net Support<http://sourceforge.net/support> for assistance. Typically this message is displayed when files that belong in the FRS are uploaded into project web, or someone tried to host some pr0n or w4r3z. SourceForge.net<http://SourceForge.net> Support is willing and able to assist in resolving the cause of this error.

The reason I went to the cs-studio website is to get the latest version of the CSS book. I'm looking for more information about how to use BEAST's new automated_actions alarm fields.

Kind regards,
  JC Guzman

Juan Carlos Guzman
Research Team Leader
ASKAP Computing IPT
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science
P.O.Box 76, Epping NSW 1710, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9372 4457
Fax: +61 2 9372 4310
Email: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]><mailto:[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>

Best regards,

Pavel Maslov, MS
Controls Engineer at Pulsed power Lab
Efremov Institute for Electro-Physical Apparatus
St. Petersburg, Russia

Mobile: +7 (951) 672 22 19
Landline: +7 (812) 461 01 01

Re: Block message when open cs-studio.sourceforge.net Pavel Masloff

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