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Subject: Re: compile EPICS base on Mac OS (Snow Leopard) using GCC from macport
From: Andrew Johnson <[email protected]>
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2012 18:01:53 -0500
Hi Guobao,

On 2012-11-08 Shen, Guobao wrote:
> Is there anyone succeeded using GCC tool chain to compile EPICS?
> It looks like that macport version of GCC swallowed the option "arch", and
>  I got a error like: 
> gcc: error: x86_64: No such file or directory
> gcc: error: unrecognized option '-arch'
> gmake[3]: *** [bucketLib.o] Error 1
> However, there is no problem with the tool chain coming with XCode.

Which version of Base are you building, and have you configured the settings 
in configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.Common.darwin-x86 properly?  It's entirely 
possible that this doesn't work with the macports version of GCC, I don't test 
that combination myself and I don't know if anyone else does either.  If you 
can work out what configuration changes are needed I'd be willing to add them 
as a comment for the next release of Base.

- Andrew
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Re: compile EPICS base on Mac OS (Snow Leopard) using GCC from macport Shen, Guobao
compile EPICS base on Mac OS (Snow Leopard) using GCC from macport Shen, Guobao

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