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Subject: asynPortDriver for "generic" devices
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2012 11:31:50 +0000
Hi all,

I have a recurring design pattern when writing asynPortDrivers for some devices:
* The device has a list of parameters, either read from the device or in a config file
* These parameters (of various types) change between firmware revisions of the detector

I expose these parameters in EPICS by:
* Dumping the config file from the device
* Writing a generic asynPortDriver class that defines parameters based on the config file
* Using python scripts to generate a database with records for each parameter in the config file
* Using python scripts to generate an EDM screen with widgets for each record
* Tweaking the database/screens to make certain parameters more usable (adding scale factors, alarm levels, etc)

This seems a little clumsy and is complicated by the fact that each firmware change that adds or removes parameters requires a new screen or database. How do other people write drivers/databases/screens for similar devices?

Tom Cobb

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