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Subject: CSS Boy - creating OPI files with parameters
From: Vítek Michal <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2013 10:19:09 +0000



I would like to create a panel to be used with IO device with many channels. I am now wondering if there is a way how to set PV to widgets like parameters (e.g. to set PVs to $device:DIO:$port_$channel and then set those parameters/variables in some startup scrip or Java code common for the whole panel? Or is there other recommanded way how to do that?

I am also wandering if there is a way how to trigger a script associated with the widget by an action not related to the PV (e.g. I would like to change color of a widget if a button is pressed)?


I have just started with BOY so my question is probably stupid, but I was not able to find a solution in a documentation I have read so far….


Thanks in advance for help!





Re: CSS Boy - creating OPI files with parameters Ralph Lange
RE: CSS Boy - creating OPI files with parameters Chen, Xihui

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