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<== Date ==> <== Thread ==>

Subject: RE: IP330 modules question
From: "Geon-Yeong Mun" <[email protected]>
To: "'Mark Rivers'" <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2013 15:20:14 +0900



I tried to checked the hardware using multimeter.

Terminal block, cable, input voltage was completely normal.


I was set the dip-switch as voltage range from -5 to 5.

Therefore, I had guess that

The -5 voltage was display by 0 in raw-data. And, the 5 voltage was display by 2^16 in raw-data. Therefor, I had thought that the raw-data was not change.

But, my thinking was wrong.



Today, I found strange.

I have monitoring the "RVAL".

then, I found the raw-data was changed about below.                                         


Input voltage     raw-data         

-5                   27392

0                    32822

5                    38284


However, the performance does not come out properly.

IP330A module had 16bit resolution. but, according to data of the above, resolution had less than the 14bit resolution. and, calibration parameters were incorrectly.



Best regars.



From: Mark Rivers [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 5:45 AM
To: 'Geon-Yeong Mun'
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: IP330 modules question




The first thing I see is that the output in the calibration routine generally looks correct.  Here is the output of the log file you sent, where I grep for the string adj_offset:


corvette:~/scratch>grep adj_offset log_04100114.log

2013/06/04 01:02:47.932 drvIp330::calibrate channel 0 adj_slope 9.983789e-01 adj_offset 4.389286e+01

2013/06/04 01:02:50.523 drvIp330::calibrate channel 1 adj_slope 9.983731e-01 adj_offset 4.392793e+01

2013/06/04 01:02:53.113 drvIp330::calibrate channel 2 adj_slope 9.983867e-01 adj_offset 4.332526e+01

2013/06/04 01:02:55.726 drvIp330::calibrate channel 3 adj_slope 9.983770e-01 adj_offset 4.348788e+01

2013/06/04 01:02:58.318 drvIp330::calibrate channel 4 adj_slope 9.983799e-01 adj_offset 4.379847e+01

2013/06/04 01:03:00.930 drvIp330::calibrate channel 5 adj_slope 9.983838e-01 adj_offset 4.385842e+01

2013/06/04 01:03:03.522 drvIp330::calibrate channel 6 adj_slope 9.983780e-01 adj_offset 4.395599e+01

2013/06/04 01:03:06.135 drvIp330::calibrate channel 7 adj_slope 9.983654e-01 adj_offset 4.430804e+01

2013/06/04 01:03:08.725 drvIp330::calibrate channel 8 adj_slope 9.983925e-01 adj_offset 4.307143e+01

2013/06/04 01:03:11.316 drvIp330::calibrate channel 9 adj_slope 9.983440e-01 adj_offset 4.547832e+01

2013/06/04 01:03:13.929 drvIp330::calibrate channel 10 adj_slope 9.983886e-01 adj_offset 4.329273e+01

2013/06/04 01:03:16.520 drvIp330::calibrate channel 11 adj_slope 9.983799e-01 adj_offset 4.364222e+01

2013/06/04 01:03:19.134 drvIp330::calibrate channel 12 adj_slope 9.983809e-01 adj_offset 4.354783e+01

2013/06/04 01:03:21.745 drvIp330::calibrate channel 13 adj_slope 9.983731e-01 adj_offset 4.395918e+01

2013/06/04 01:03:24.337 drvIp330::calibrate channel 14 adj_slope 9.983751e-01 adj_offset 4.402041e+01

2013/06/04 01:03:26.949 drvIp330::calibrate channel 15 adj_slope 9.983818e-01 adj_offset 4.335969e+01

2013/06/04 01:04:29.085 drvIp330::calibrate channel 0 adj_slope 9.983595e-01 adj_offset 4.453061e+01

2013/06/04 01:04:31.676 drvIp330::calibrate channel 1 adj_slope 9.983799e-01 adj_offset 4.392347e+01

2013/06/04 01:04:34.267 drvIp330::calibrate channel 2 adj_slope 9.983857e-01 adj_offset 4.345089e+01

2013/06/04 01:04:36.881 drvIp330::calibrate channel 3 adj_slope 9.983760e-01 adj_offset 4.392602e+01

2013/06/04 01:04:39.471 drvIp330::calibrate channel 4 adj_slope 9.983838e-01 adj_offset 4.373342e+01

2013/06/04 01:04:42.084 drvIp330::calibrate channel 5 adj_slope 9.983867e-01 adj_offset 4.351276e+01

2013/06/04 01:04:44.674 drvIp330::calibrate channel 6 adj_slope 9.983489e-01 adj_offset 4.510013e+01

2013/06/04 01:04:47.265 drvIp330::calibrate channel 7 adj_slope 9.983799e-01 adj_offset 4.407972e+01

2013/06/04 01:04:49.878 drvIp330::calibrate channel 8 adj_slope 9.983760e-01 adj_offset 4.411352e+01

2013/06/04 01:04:52.469 drvIp330::calibrate channel 9 adj_slope 9.983663e-01 adj_offset 4.415115e+01

2013/06/04 01:04:55.081 drvIp330::calibrate channel 10 adj_slope 9.983605e-01 adj_offset 4.440497e+01

2013/06/04 01:04:57.671 drvIp330::calibrate channel 11 adj_slope 9.983945e-01 adj_offset 4.275765e+01

2013/06/04 01:05:00.284 drvIp330::calibrate channel 12 adj_slope 9.983683e-01 adj_offset 4.471237e+01

2013/06/04 01:05:02.897 drvIp330::calibrate channel 13 adj_slope 9.983896e-01 adj_offset 4.372959e+01

2013/06/04 01:05:05.488 drvIp330::calibrate channel 14 adj_slope 9.983877e-01 adj_offset 4.360587e+01

2013/06/04 01:05:08.101 drvIp330::calibrate channel 15 adj_slope 9.983663e-01 adj_offset 4.430740e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:10.235 drvIp330::calibrate channel 0 adj_slope 1.031244e+00 adj_offset -2.027558e+03

2013/06/04 01:06:12.826 drvIp330::calibrate channel 1 adj_slope 9.983654e-01 adj_offset 4.446429e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:15.437 drvIp330::calibrate channel 2 adj_slope 9.983731e-01 adj_offset 4.392793e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:18.028 drvIp330::calibrate channel 3 adj_slope 9.983789e-01 adj_offset 4.401786e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:20.618 drvIp330::calibrate channel 4 adj_slope 9.983945e-01 adj_offset 4.310140e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:23.230 drvIp330::calibrate channel 5 adj_slope 9.983644e-01 adj_offset 4.455867e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:25.820 drvIp330::calibrate channel 6 adj_slope 9.983692e-01 adj_offset 4.393048e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:28.433 drvIp330::calibrate channel 7 adj_slope 9.983673e-01 adj_offset 4.415051e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:31.025 drvIp330::calibrate channel 8 adj_slope 9.983683e-01 adj_offset 4.446237e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:33.638 drvIp330::calibrate channel 9 adj_slope 9.983867e-01 adj_offset 4.332526e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:36.229 drvIp330::calibrate channel 10 adj_slope 9.983683e-01 adj_offset 4.427487e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:38.841 drvIp330::calibrate channel 11 adj_slope 9.983789e-01 adj_offset 4.367411e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:41.433 drvIp330::calibrate channel 12 adj_slope 9.983644e-01 adj_offset 4.446492e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:44.045 drvIp330::calibrate channel 13 adj_slope 9.983780e-01 adj_offset 4.367474e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:46.637 drvIp330::calibrate channel 14 adj_slope 9.983809e-01 adj_offset 4.370408e+01

2013/06/04 01:06:49.249 drvIp330::calibrate channel 15 adj_slope 9.983877e-01 adj_offset 4.304337e+01



Note that the slope is generally close of 0.9984 and the offset if about 44 A/D units.  There is only 1 exception, which is this line:

2013/06/04 01:06:10.235 drvIp330::calibrate channel 0 adj_slope 1.031244e+00 adj_offset -2.027558e+03


During that calibration cycle you got the following output:

2013/06/04 01:06:08.202 drvIp330::calibrate. Raw values low channel=0

2013/06/04 01:06:08.202   0 65535

2013/06/04 01:06:08.202   1 32788

2013/06/04 01:06:08.202   2 32786

2013/06/04 01:06:08.202   3 32783

2013/06/04 01:06:08.202   4 32784

2013/06/04 01:06:08.202   5 32780


Note that the very first reading is wrong, it is 65535, not ~32780.  This is either a hardware read problem, or perhaps not enough setting time.  If you look at the driver code you will see that it actually reads the first value twice to allow for settling, and maybe it needs an additional read.  But the vale 65535 looks suspicious, because it is exactly 2^16-1, and none of the actual high-voltage calibration values are greater than 65000.


We can ignore the calibration glitch for the time being.


The problem as I understand it is that you have a 1.5 volt input signal, but the value measured by the IP330 is 2.66 volts.  Is this correct?


In the dbpr output you sent, EGUL=-5.0, EGUF=5.0, EOFF=-5.0 and ESLO=1.5259e-4.  These all seem correct.


RVAL=50159.  The corresponding voltage is thus:


VAL = -5.0 + 50159 * 1.5259e-4 = 2.65 volts.


This is very close (but not identical) to the VAL field.


So it seems like the unit is calibrating correctly, and it is converting RVAL to VAL OK.


I don’t know why the RVAL value does not match what you expect for 1.5 V input.


Are you sure you have wired up the unit correctly?





-----Original Message-----
From: Geon-Yeong Mun [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 4:22 AM
To: Mark Rivers
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: IP330 modules question


Hi Mark.


Software version....














And, I attach the asynTrace log file.

I had to think that data[] of intTask function in IP330 module was Raw-data.

so, I had to debug it.


I had to set the measuring range to -5~5voltage.(The setting of dip-switch

of IP330 was same.). so, I think that, the 33453 was means approximate

0volt. and 65535 was means approximate 5volt. and, I think that this data is

means in cailbration process. The value of epics channel access seems to

result of moving average of data.




If the data was result of calibration process, then It looks like a normal


However, the problem is that I can't check the raw-data(input voltage



at now, I'm not sure that this data is calibration data or Raw-data of the


I don't know that how to reads the input voltage(1.5 volt).


Best regards.



-> dbpr ("13LAB:IP330_1","5")

ACKS: INVALID       ACKT: YES           ADEL: 0            

ALST: 2.6586556801709                   AOFF: 0             ASG:


ASLO: 1             ASP: 0x0            BKPT: 00            DESC:


DISA: 0             DISP: 0             DISS: NO_ALARM      DISV: 1


DPVT: 0x4b69a70     DSET: 0x4dd5c2c     DTYP: asynInt32Average


EGU:                EGUF: 5             EGUL: -5            EOFF: -5


ESLO: 1.52590218966964e-04              EVNT: 0             FLNK:CONSTANT 0


HHSV: NO_ALARM      HIGH: 0             HIHI: 0             HOPR: 5


HSV: NO_ALARM       HYST: 0             INIT: 0            

INP:INST_IO @asyn(IP330_1 0)DATA        LALM: 2.65377279316396


LBRK: 0             LCNT: 0             LINR: LINEAR        LLSV: NO_ALARM


LOLO: 0             LOPR: -5            LOW: 0              LSET: 0x4b80dd0


LSV: NO_ALARM       MDEL: 0            

MLIS: 06 0a 10 20 06 0a 06 c0 00 00 00 06                   MLOK: 04 f1 95


MLST: 2.65377279316396                  NAME: 13LAB:IP330_1 NSEV: NO_ALARM


NSTA: NO_ALARM      ORAW: 50159         PACT: 0             PBRK: 0x0


PHAS: 0             PINI: NO            PPN: 0x0            PPNR: 0x0


PREC: 4             PRIO: LOW           PROC: 0             PUTF: 0


RDES: 0x45a09d0     ROFF: 0             RPRO: 0             RSET: 0x4dd626c


RVAL: 50159         SCAN: 1 second      SDIS:CONSTANT       SEVR: NO_ALARM




SMOO: 0             SPVT: 0x6000d00     STAT: NO_ALARM      SVAL: 0


TIME: 2013-06-04 05:33:59.178195571     TPRO: 0             TSE: 0


TSEL:CONSTANT       UDF: 0              VAL: 2.6591134508278


value = 0 = 0x0




-----Original Message-----

From: Mark Rivers [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, June 03, 2013 10:21 PM

To: Geon-Yeong Mun

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: RE: IP330 modules question


What version of the ip330 software are you using?


The ip330::calibration function has an asynPrint statement to print the raw

calibration values.  Please set asynTrace to enable those messages so we can

see what they are.





From: Geon-Yeong Mun [[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, June 03, 2013 1:14 AM

To: Mark Rivers

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: RE: IP330 modules question


Yes. I added.

Printf is show the Raw Data value and calibration factor.


And, I using the internal power supply +-12v. J1,J2 jumper settings is



I don't know more about the interrupt vector.

ipacAddXy9660("0000,4 A=2,800000")



interrupt vector value was not 4 then IP330 was print error message about


And AVME9670 link LED was not blink.


Best regards.



-----Original Message-----

From: Mark Rivers [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, June 03, 2013 11:54 AM

To: Geon-Yeong Mun; [email protected]

Subject: RE: IP330 modules question


Are the debugging print statements you show ones that you have added?


What voltage source are you using for the IP330, the internal +-12V, or

external +-15V?


Are you sure that interrupt vector 4 is correct?


The VoltCALLO values seem to be jumping all over the place in the

calibration routine.





From: [email protected] [[email protected]] on

behalf of Geon-Yeong Mun [[email protected]]

Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2013 9:19 PM

To: [email protected]

Subject: IP330 modules question



Hi all.



I tried to run IP300 module, and read the Analog data.


All Raw data(16ch Diff mode) are displayed as shown below. This data's

source is 5 voltage.



Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 50845


Data: 33453


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 33454


Data: 33453


Data: 33450


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 33452


Data: 33452


Data: 33453


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 33452


Data: 33453


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 33451


Data: 33454


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535



This repeating pattern is the 33453 and 65535


Are you known about this?




Development environment


Epics base:


Target os : vxWorks 6.9


Hardware : AVME9670, IP330A


Modules : ipac 2.11, ip330




Best regards.







boot device          : geisc


unit number          : 0


processor number     : 0


host name            : gymun-evr


file name            : /home/work/image/vxWorks


inet on ethernet (e) :


host inet (h)        :


gateway inet (g)     :


user (u)             : work


ftp password (pw)    : work


flags (f)            : 0x0


target name (tn)     : evrTest


startup script (s)   : /home/work/st.vxWorks.evr




Loading... 2354032


Starting at 0x100000...




Loading symbol table from gymun-evr:/home/work/image/vxWorks.sym ...done










Copyright 1984-2013  Wind River Systems, Inc.




             CPU: Motorola MVME6100-0173 - MPC 7457


    Runtime Name: VxWorks


Runtime Version: 6.9


     BSP version: 6.9/0


         Created: May 23 2013, 18:22:53


ED&R Policy Mode: Deployed


   WDB Comm Type: WDB_COMM_END


             WDB: Ready.




Executing startup script '/home/work/st.vxWorks.evr'...










value = 0 = 0x0


ifconfig("geisc1 inet netmask up")


value = 0 = 0x0






value = 127 = 0x7f


#ld < mrf.munch


ld < mrfTest.munch


value = 72237072 = 0x44e4010




# env setting


epicsEnvSet("ENGINEER","Geon-Yeong Mun")


value = 0 = 0x0




value = 0 = 0x0




value = 0 = 0x0




value = 0 = 0x0












value = 0 = 0x0




value = 0 = 0x0






# IRQ 3: EVR


# IRQ 4: AVME9670




# EVG(A24)






# sysBusToLocalAdrs(0x0d,0x00100000,&a)Can't reg


ister 'system' comm


and -- no command i# EVR(A24)nterpreter












Setting up EVR in VME Slot 2


Found vendor: 00000eb2 board: 455246e6 rev.: 00000000


EVR check. EVR-230 'EVR1' slot 2


FPGA version... 0006


Found SFP Strangeness ffffffff


FWVersVME64 ion 0x12000006Out FP:


7 FPUNIV:4 RB:Found version 6


16 IFP:2


Using IRQ 35:38EVR FIFO task start




value = 0 = 0x0


# sysBusToLocalAdrs(0x0d,0x00280000,&k)


# sysBusToLocalAdrs(0x0d,0x00300000,&k)




# 0xF8 : 7C00000






ipacAddXy9660("0000,4 A=2,800000")


Now finish parsing....  A=2,800000


AVME-IP: init success...1


value = 0 = 0x0






# string : portName


# int carrierID


# int SlotID


# string type : "D" or "S" for differential or single-ended


# string range


# int firstChan


# int lastChan


# int interruptVector






value = 0 = 0x0




########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 00


Corrected_Count: 1.019773


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000156


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.968750


CountCALLO: 33451.968750


drvIp330::calibrate channel 0 adj_slope 1.019773e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 01


Corrected_Count: 1.018058


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000155


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.718750


CountCALLO: 33398.687500


drvIp330::calibrate channel 1 adj_slope 1.018058e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 02


Corrected_Count: -54.189974


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: -0.008269


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.406250


CountCALLO: 65535.000000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 2 adj_slope -5.418997e+01 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 03


Corrected_Count: -54.178546


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: -0.008267


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.281250


CountCALLO: 65535.000000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 3 adj_slope -5.417855e+01 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 04


Corrected_Count: 2.016120


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000308


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.843750


CountCALLO: 49013.906250


drvIp330::calibrate channel 4 adj_slope 2.016120e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 05


Corrected_Count: -54.189974


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: -0.008269


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.406250


CountCALLO: 65535.000000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 5 adj_slope -5.418997e+01 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 06


Corrected_Count: 1.019771


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000156


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.250000


CountCALLO: 33452.187500


drvIp330::calibrate channel 6 adj_slope 1.019771e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 07


Corrected_Count: 1.021627


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000156


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.968750


CountCALLO: 33509.125000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 7 adj_slope 1.021627e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 08


Corrected_Count: -54.149996


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: -0.008263


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.968750


CountCALLO: 65535.000000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 8 adj_slope -5.415000e+01 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 09


Corrected_Count: 1.019775


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000156


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.843750


CountCALLO: 33451.906250


drvIp330::calibrate channel 9 adj_slope 1.019775e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 10


Corrected_Count: 1.063591


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000162


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.437500


CountCALLO: 34749.781250


drvIp330::calibrate channel 10 adj_slope 1.063591e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 11


Corrected_Count: 11.663407


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.001780


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.625000


CountCALLO: 62189.343750


drvIp330::calibrate channel 11 adj_slope 1.166341e+01 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 12


Corrected_Count: 1.019800


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000156


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.875000


CountCALLO: 33452.718750


drvIp330::calibrate channel 12 adj_slope 1.019800e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 13


Corrected_Count: 1.019208


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000156


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.031250


CountCALLO: 33434.593750


drvIp330::calibrate channel 13 adj_slope 1.019208e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 14


Corrected_Count: -54.147143


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: -0.008262


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.937500


CountCALLO: 65535.000000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 14 adj_slope -5.414714e+01 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 15


Corrected_Count: 1.020357


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000156


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.968750


CountCALLO: 33470.000000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 15 adj_slope 1.020357e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 00


Corrected_Count: -54.158558


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: -0.008264


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.062500


CountCALLO: 65535.000000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 0 adj_slope -5.415856e+01 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 01


Corrected_Count: -54.144290


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: -0.008262


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.906250


CountCALLO: 65535.000000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 1 adj_slope -5.414429e+01 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 02


Corrected_Count: 1.019775


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000156


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.812500


CountCALLO: 33451.875000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 2 adj_slope 1.019775e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 03


Corrected_Count: -142.248682


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: -0.021705


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.250000


CountCALLO: 65168.000000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 3 adj_slope -1.422487e+02 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 04


Corrected_Count: 1.678135


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000256


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.875000


CountCALLO: 45805.968750


drvIp330::calibrate channel 4 adj_slope 1.678135e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 05


Corrected_Count: 1.019750


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000156


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.156250


CountCALLO: 33451.468750


drvIp330::calibrate channel 5 adj_slope 1.019750e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 06


Corrected_Count: -54.175690


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: -0.008267


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.250000


CountCALLO: 65535.000000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 6 adj_slope -5.417569e+01 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 07


Corrected_Count: 11.856519


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.001809


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.031250


CountCALLO: 62233.593750


drvIp330::calibrate channel 7 adj_slope 1.185652e+01 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 08


Corrected_Count: -54.187117


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: -0.008268


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.375000


CountCALLO: 65535.000000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 8 adj_slope -5.418712e+01 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 09


Corrected_Count: -54.175690


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: -0.008267


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.250000


CountCALLO: 65535.000000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 9 adj_slope -5.417569e+01 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 10


Corrected_Count: 1.019763


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000156


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.031250


CountCALLO: 33451.718750


drvIp330::calibrate channel 10 adj_slope 1.019763e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 11


Corrected_Count: -66.207363


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: -0.010102


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.781250


CountCALLO: 65426.812500


drvIp330::calibrate channel 11 adj_slope -6.620736e+01 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 12


Corrected_Count: 1.014113


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000155


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.937500


CountCALLO: 33276.187500


drvIp330::calibrate channel 12 adj_slope 1.014113e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 13


Corrected_Count: 1.019767


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.000156


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.031250


CountCALLO: 33451.843750


drvIp330::calibrate channel 13 adj_slope 1.019767e+00 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 14


Corrected_Count: -54.164267


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: -0.008265


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64942.125000


CountCALLO: 65535.000000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 14 adj_slope -5.416427e+01 adj_offset



########### CALIBRATION ########


CH 15


Corrected_Count: 9.344492


Ideal_Volt_Span: 10.000000


m: 0.001426


Gain: 1.000000


VoltCALHI: 4.900000


VoltCALLO: 0.000000


CountCALHI: 64941.906250


CountCALLO: 61505.375000


drvIp330::calibrate channel 15 adj_slope 9.344492e+00 adj_offset



value = 0 = 0x0






Data: # EVG db


#dbLoadRecords("db/vme-evg230.db", "SYS=TST, D=evg:1, EVG=EVG1")




# BNL specific timing sequence constructor




#dbLoadRecords("db/nsls2-inj-seqs.db","LN=LN-TS, BR=BR-TS, INJ=TST,

EVG=evg:1, SEQ=SoftSeq:0")Data:








33452dbLoadRecords("db/evr-vmerf-230.db","SYS=TST, D=evr:1, EVR=EVR1")




Data: 33451


Data: 33452


Data: 33454


Data: 33453


Data: 33452


Data: 3value = 0 = 0x0




# IP330








Data: 36040


Data: 64906


Data: 63022


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 41509


Data: 33451


Data: 33453


Data: 33452


Data: 33452


Data: 33451


Data: 33451


Data: 33452


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 33456


Data: 33451


Data: 33451


Data: 33452


Data: 33451


Data: 33453


Data: 33451


Data: 33453


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 33454


Data: 33452


Data: 334value = 520 = 0x0




dbLoadRecords("db/iocAdminVxWorks.db", "IOC=evrTest")Data:




Data: 33452


Data: 3345value = 0 = 0x0










Starting iocInit




###################Data: ##############65535###############


###################Data: #####


## EPICS65535 R3.14.12.3 $Da


te: Mon 2012-12-17 Data: 14:11:47 -060065535$


## EPICS Base


built May 14 2013


Data: ##############65535###############


###################Data: ##############65535##############




Data: 45663


Data: 33452


Data: 33452


Data: 33452


Data: 33451


Data: 33452


Data: 33453


Data: 33451


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 65535


Data: 33456


Data: 33451


Data: 33451


Data: 33452












RE: IP330 modules question Mark Rivers
IP330 modules question Geon-Yeong Mun
RE: IP330 modules question Geon-Yeong Mun
RE: IP330 modules question Geon-Yeong Mun

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