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Subject: Re: Thorlabs USB Hardare with EPICS
From: Jennings Guy <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected] Talk" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 10:44:44 -0500
 From the device name this is is a USBTMC device, not a serial port.   I've seen similar behavior in older linux kernels, you might have more luck
updating to a more recent kernel.

Guy Jennings

On Aug 2, 2013, at 10:36 AM, Eric Norum <[email protected]> wrote:

> Since you can communicate with the unit using simple shell commands I'm inferring that the unit presents itself as a USB-connected serial port.   Standard StreamDevice + ASYN support should work fine.
> On Aug 2, 2013, at 5:42 AM, "Drube, Hardy" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have some problems to establish a longer lasting connection with a Thorlabs PM100USB Powermeter.
>> It is listed in /dev as usbtmc0 and I can communicate with it through echo –e. But this is only possible for one time. A second time echo –e won’t work. I have to disconnect and reconnect the USB-cable. Then again it will work one time.
>> Could you help me with this problem?
>> Note: This device has two chips, the first one is a XILINX XCR3064XL (AD Converter) and the second a NXP LPC2387FBD100.
>> Best regards,
>> Hardy Drube
> -- 
> Eric Norum
> [email protected]

Thorlabs USB Hardare with EPICS Drube, Hardy
Re: Thorlabs USB Hardare with EPICS Eric Norum

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