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Subject: CSS: Can not access PVs in python script
From: sahil jee <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 00:25:34 +0300
Dear community

I am trying to acess PVs of my ioc. My ioc(stream device) is running properly and containing "readvoltage" and "readcurrent", "calculatedpower" as PVs.

In my CSS application, I want to access the above two mentioned PVs in order to make some calculations.

I am trying python embedded script as follows;

voltage = PVUtil.getDouble(readvoltage)    # readvoltage and readcurrent are PVs in my ioc
power = valtage*current

calculatedpower.setValue(power)     # calculatedpower is a PV in my ioc

When I run my opi it gives me the error;

"readvoltage" not defined?

In my opi, I have two text input widget which are receiving readvoltage PV value and readcurrent PV value, and one Text Update widget which will receive the calculatedpower PV value.

Looking for your kind reply.

Thank you all.

RE: Can not access PVs in python script Mooney, Tim M.
Re: CSS: Can not access PVs in python script Kasemir, Kay

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