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Subject: OMS MAXv default limit switch mode
From: Ron Sluiter <[email protected]>
To: EPICS <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 13:41:19 -0500
Eric Rod (APS) discovered last week that his two, rather new, OMS MAXv boards were not responding to travel limits. OMS has confirmed that in two versions of the MAXv firmware; 1.41 and 1.42, the default mode of the limit switches after either a power-up or a reset is, off. In other words, MAXv's with firmware versions 1.41 or 1.42 will, by default, not stop moving a motor when a limit switch is activated.

You can determine the firmware version of your OMS MAXv's from the EPICS iocsh by entering the command; dbior drvMAXv.

If you have MAXv's with firmware versions 1.41 or 1.42 you should upgrade the firmware (MAXv's are field upgradable) as soon as possible.

Until then you should immediately change the MAXv initialization string that is passed by the MAXvConfig() command by adding the Limit Mode command "AA; LM,H,,H;". For example, change this string, config0="AX LTL PSO; AY LTL PSO; AZ LTL PSO; AT LTL PSO; AU LTH PSO; AV LTH PSO; AR LTH PSO; AS LTH PSO;"
to this,
config0="AA; LM,H,,H; AX LTL PSO; AY LTL PSO; AZ LTL PSO; AT LTL PSO; AU LTH PSO; AV LTH PSO; AR LTH PSO; AS LTH PSO;" Then reboot your system. The limit switches will now be configured for "the Hard Limit mode, which causes the affected axis or axes to abruptly halt when a limit condition is encountered."


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